Would it ever happen?

Feb 6, 2003
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Guys and Girls, i live in a very far place from the states (middle east)
there are alot of metal fans in my country and across the arabian gulf

i just wonder if someday it would be possible for bands like symphony x to tour in our region, the countries are very close together and it would be easy to go between them. and im sure alot of people will be hyped and ready to roll for this hehe

so what do u think? is there a chance for us living here?
I think it is possible. I know a lot of people never thought that there would be concerts played in Russia. But the Scorpions, and a bunch of other bands played there in the 80's. So, don't give up hope.
The Middle East..?

Most likely they will once this whole war thing settles down. In other words, once George Dubya gets thrown out of office, and we get somebody who knows how to run things, as well as recite the ABC's properly...
Manga-San said:
The Middle East..?

Most likely they will once this whole war thing settles down. In other words, once George Dubya gets thrown out of office, and we get somebody who knows how to run things, as well as recite the ABC's properly...

Uhh... OK. If I understand things correctly Manga San, it is Dubya who is desperately trying to help settle the problem.

I doubt it will ever happen unless Israel and Palestine come to some sort of agreement. Seeing how they are fighting a very old war, It's not looking good.

I do hope, however, that you will see Symphony X in your homeland one day.:)
Polyeidus said:
Uhh... OK. If I understand things correctly Manga San, it is Dubya who is desperately trying to help settle the problem.

I doubt it will ever happen unless Israel and Palestine come to some sort of agreement. Seeing how they are fighting a very old war, It's not looking good.

I do hope, however, that you will see Symphony X in your homeland one day.:)

Well, yeah, considering he pretty much started the whole thing anyway...

It was none of the United States business in Iraq. The U.N. was handling the situation just fine. And since we have this "War on Terror", how come we haven't attacked any other dictatorships harboring terrorists..?

Why is Iraq the lucky winner, you ask..?

It's because Dubya is taking care of what his daddy couldn't. Dubya has a grudge, and he doesn't give two shits if the whole world is against him, he's going to make daddy proud, no matter what the cost...

What were his justifications. Was it the "weapons of mass destruction" that we haven't found yet..?

And what's with this "Axis of Evil" bullshit? Why was North Korea included in it? Did Dubya forget to mention the power plants we forgot to build for them back in 1994 in exchange for the destruction of their nukes? Yes. Did they comply then? Yes. Did we? No. And why is that, you ask? Because we were too fixated on the stain on Monica's blue dress back in 1998.

God, I hate the modern political world...
Its possible, but not likely. Your best bet is to take a trip over to the next European tour.

And enough with the political shit, like every arguement hasn't already been made 1000 times :rolleyes:
Manga-San said:
Well, yeah, considering he pretty much started the whole thing anyway...

It was none of the United States business in Iraq. The U.N. was handling the situation just fine. And since we have this "War on Terror", how come we haven't attacked any other dictatorships harboring terrorists..?
God, I hate the modern political world...

Divine Wings Of Tragedy said:
what war?we dont have any wars here. im talking about the arabian gulf not the whole middle east

I wasn't referring to the Iraqi mess, but rather the situation with Israel and Palestine. I have a dear friend that lives in Riyadh, and with the bombing in May, he attributed it the the long war between the Palestinian and Jewish people. Be sure I mean no disrespect talking of such things. I only feel affected as all should, when such horrible things happen so regularly, and when I live in a land where such things are unimaginable(well, maybe not nearly as frequent).
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Remember the Groege Bush thread? HELLO!
stop it please. things could get ugly.

Nah. I don't think so.
I don't see a problem in disputing a fellow Symphony X fan's opinion. And to be sure, it's not a matter of stiring up shit just to stir up shit. The thread created has the potential for a number of directions, so, ye of little faith, chill out. I think everybody surely got enough of the flaming, and wouldn't resort to it again. Or, at least I hope.
Manga-San said:
Well, yeah, considering he pretty much started the whole thing anyway...

It was none of the United States business in Iraq. The U.N. was handling the situation just fine. And since we have this "War on Terror", how come we haven't attacked any other dictatorships harboring terrorists..?

Why is Iraq the lucky winner, you ask..?

You should ask the citizens of Bosnia what they think of the UN, or any other suffering country relying on the UN for support. The UN is complete horseshit and so many people die because of it's inability to function. I've been there and seen this shit first hand, so I know what I'm talking about. Also, I have friends fighting for our ass in Iraq, and I'm sure they have met plenty of people who love G Dubya. That's a fight we could help those people win, and we did.
Securing the Middle East would take much longer than any single presidential term.
stays outta this one.. i am extremely opinionated on such subjects..and its a topic that leaves people divided and losing respect for each other every time.. so i've learned to hold off on my opinions, just be diplomatic and let people think what they want.
Yeah, I don't want this to turn ugly...

Political discussions can be fun as long as people are open-minded and have support to back up their opinions...

BTW, has anybody ever read "Stupid White Men"..?

I love that book...