Would the Presonus Firepod be good for me?


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
I plan on recording bands in my home studio. Right now I am using an M-Audio Delta 66 and getting pretty good results, but I want to move to a Firewire/Laptop interface. That's why I've been looking at the Presonus Firepod.

I have also been considering recording live shows. Would it be alright to get another Firepod, and hook it up there, and record like that? Or is there a better way to record?

The firepod would work great for what you want to do. The thing you should look at though, is would you be better off with something like the Firestudio? Take a look at both. The Firestudio has a lot more extras on it that you might find handy. If not, go with the cheaper Firepod. I use it, it works great, and is actually very portable......
The firepod would work great for what you want to do. The thing you should look at though, is would you be better off with something like the Firestudio? Take a look at both. The Firestudio has a lot more extras on it that you might find handy. If not, go with the cheaper Firepod. I use it, it works great, and is actually very portable......

I tried recording a pop band's rehearsal live with a Firepod last weekend. Miced BD, snare, bass, guitar and two vocals, worked like a charm! Of course you can get yourself another one and hook it up to the first Firepod, since 8 (10 total with the two SPDIF's) channels probably isn't quite enough for every live situation.
Don't wait too long though, stocks are limited as they no longer produce the FirePod! (I might get myself a second one too, currently it's 399 in Europe.)

jhakwe: do you have a clip of that recording you did at the rehearsal? I'm gonna be doing that sort of thing soon too so I'm interested what I can expect. Need only be a short clip just to get the idea. Thanks!
Unfortunately no :( My PC took a shit on me once again. I checked everything before leaving the recording place and all seemed OK, but when I put my rig back together at home, *all* the recorded tracks had disappeared. About 2,7 gigs of recorder audio was gone. Luckily we were just testing the Firepod and other equipment with a local band, so no actual lossess, but fuck if that would happen in a real situation. I've got to get a new computer soon.
i have two firepods daisy chained together.

in hinesight i would ratehr of spend an extra couple $$$ and gotten the firestudio for the optical inout so i can daisy with a better itnerface in the future.

but the two firepods work great. you can chain a bunch of them up together but cant connect to anythign else as easily.