Few Questions (Presonus FirePod)


May 22, 2010
Mesa, AZ
Ok, I'm using Reaper and I have a few questions:

1. How the hell do you route the outputs so then when you press record, music only monitors through the headphone out and not through my monitors, but when I press play, it comes through both? Not as big of a problem as it used to be before, cause I just shove whoever's recording vocals in another room, but would still be nice to know, so I don't have to turn my monitors on and off when I'm reamping.

2. I think I'd like to expand my channels. Now there's either two ways to do this as far as I know, go for a 2-channel SPDIF compatible mic pre and hook it up to the FirePod, or get another FirePod and daisy chain them. Obviously, I'll get 6 more channels with the FirePod, but are there any pres out there (for around the same price as a used FirePod) that would give me better results than the FirePod's mic pres? I think in the long run, I'd be happier with more than 10 channels (this way when I record drums, I can mic and trigger them), but what would you do? Is there any other route you'd take (ie: sell the FirePod and buy something with more tracks right off the bat)?

3. Is their any way in Reaper to run something like Steven Slate Drums on multiple tracks, without running it multiple times (like with Cubase)? I'm thinking maybe an Aux track would work, but I haven't tried it yet.
yeah...read the slate manual it tells you how to multi out :3

when you have a firepod you don't need to worry about the pres because the converter on em isn't really good enough to use external pres, so later on once you get more expirence and money buy a really sick converter then make your external pres, i would just buy a another firepod, they are cheap and easy to daisy chain, i mean the pres are good enough to get bad ass recordings, so don't go blaming the pres ;)
yeah...read the slate manual it tells you how to multi out :3

when you have a firepod you don't need to worry about the pres because the converter on em isn't really good enough to use external pres, so later on once you get more expirence and money buy a really sick converter then make your external pres, i would just buy a another firepod, they are cheap and easy to daisy chain, i mean the pres are good enough to get bad ass recordings, so don't go blaming the pres ;)

Blah, manuals are for nubs! :err:

Haha, I'll check it out. I'd been using Cubase for years, so Reaper is definitely a change for me. I like it better for most stuff, but there's still some things of Cubase I'd like to see on it. Not sure if it's a system problem, but Reaper seems to lag a lot when I put in a bunch of plugins, which doesn't happen if I run the same stuff on Cubase on my other computer... and the computer I'm using for Reaper should be MUCH more powerful.

Yeah, I mean, the results I've gotten so far with the FirePod are pretty good IMO, I just figured maybe I could pick up a nice 2 channel pre for vocals or something - though I guess that wouldn't help me at all with the drums. I'll keep my eye out for a cheap FirePod. I got mine for dirt cheap, so if I find another for that price, that'd be awesome haha.

I've also been thinking of picking up and Audix i5, maybe for snare. I noticed you used it on one of your mixes, thoughts on it vs. the 57 (and Beta58 if you have experience)? Right now I just have 4 SM-57s, a Beta52 and a Beta58.
it depends on the snare really some snares i use 57s some i use i5s, do you have skype i'll help you with reaper mutliouting