Taken from presonus.com:
Q: I have the FirePod's 8 Line Outputs connected to an external mixer. Why can't I get signal to my mixer? (or in my case something else)
A: When the FirePod is connected and synced to a computer, the 8 Line Outputs are not direct. They are "post" computer/software stage. You must route audio from within your recording software to use the 8 Line Outputs. Assigning audio to a devices output channels is specific to the software.
FYI: The only time the FirePod's 8 Line Outputs are direct, are when you update the firmware and only when the FirePod is NOT CONNECTED or synced to a computer.
Here is the problem I take an audio track, output it to one of the other outputs (1-8) and I get nothing, I even plug headphones into them just to check. Cubase is showing that it is in fact sending the audio through this output but I hear nothing. WTF. Are these outputs before the main bus in cubase?
I have 2 line in/ preamp out that share with chanells 1 & 2 mic pre's (mic pres 1 & 2 are disabled if anything is plugged into them). I simply want to insert a ouboard compresser and apply it to a track post recording. Can this be done? Or are these both designed for time of recording only?
I thought the connections were done this way: TS cable from compresser mono line out to line in 1. And TS cable from pre out 1 to mono input on compresser.
If that is right then at this point how do I rout things in cubase?
Can any of this can be done? I though that these were simular to an aux bus on a mixer but it seems more complicated so any help is appreciated. In simple your a fucking moron terms please
I also found this on presonus.com
Q: How do I connect external signal or FX processors to the FirePod?
A: The FirePod does not have conventional Send and Aux Return connections as you may find with a mixer board. The FirePod has Preamp Sends for input channels 1 and 2 only. The Preamp Sends are located on the back of the FirePod next to the Line Ins 1 and 2. You can connect stereo EQ's, compressors, or other FX processors to the Preamp Sends 1 and 2. Then connect the outputs of the external processors to the FirePod's Line Ins 1 and 2 completing the circuit. The Line Ins 1 and 2 are "normalled" or "joint wired" to the input channels 1 and 2 on the front of the FirePod. Once you connect cables into the Line Ins 1 and 2 it will take priority through the FirePod and severe the signal from input channels 1 and 2 on the front of the FirePod. The signal from input channels 1 and 2 on the front of the FirePod will always route to the Preamp Sends 1 and 2.
Again any help would be great.
Q: I have the FirePod's 8 Line Outputs connected to an external mixer. Why can't I get signal to my mixer? (or in my case something else)
A: When the FirePod is connected and synced to a computer, the 8 Line Outputs are not direct. They are "post" computer/software stage. You must route audio from within your recording software to use the 8 Line Outputs. Assigning audio to a devices output channels is specific to the software.
FYI: The only time the FirePod's 8 Line Outputs are direct, are when you update the firmware and only when the FirePod is NOT CONNECTED or synced to a computer.
Here is the problem I take an audio track, output it to one of the other outputs (1-8) and I get nothing, I even plug headphones into them just to check. Cubase is showing that it is in fact sending the audio through this output but I hear nothing. WTF. Are these outputs before the main bus in cubase?
I have 2 line in/ preamp out that share with chanells 1 & 2 mic pre's (mic pres 1 & 2 are disabled if anything is plugged into them). I simply want to insert a ouboard compresser and apply it to a track post recording. Can this be done? Or are these both designed for time of recording only?
I thought the connections were done this way: TS cable from compresser mono line out to line in 1. And TS cable from pre out 1 to mono input on compresser.
If that is right then at this point how do I rout things in cubase?
Can any of this can be done? I though that these were simular to an aux bus on a mixer but it seems more complicated so any help is appreciated. In simple your a fucking moron terms please

I also found this on presonus.com
Q: How do I connect external signal or FX processors to the FirePod?
A: The FirePod does not have conventional Send and Aux Return connections as you may find with a mixer board. The FirePod has Preamp Sends for input channels 1 and 2 only. The Preamp Sends are located on the back of the FirePod next to the Line Ins 1 and 2. You can connect stereo EQ's, compressors, or other FX processors to the Preamp Sends 1 and 2. Then connect the outputs of the external processors to the FirePod's Line Ins 1 and 2 completing the circuit. The Line Ins 1 and 2 are "normalled" or "joint wired" to the input channels 1 and 2 on the front of the FirePod. Once you connect cables into the Line Ins 1 and 2 it will take priority through the FirePod and severe the signal from input channels 1 and 2 on the front of the FirePod. The signal from input channels 1 and 2 on the front of the FirePod will always route to the Preamp Sends 1 and 2.
Again any help would be great.