could you check this reamping diagram ?


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
Hello there again,

I'm planning to proceed to a cheap reamping for a forthcoming recording project.

I have a firepod. The outputs of the firepod are line level, unbalanced.

The question is, can I use a active IDbox to convert the unbalanced signal to a balanced one ? So I can easily connect to the reversed passive DI for reamping. Also it would be ok to have a big distance between the firepod and the amp then.

Will the active Di change the level of the signal so i cannot reamp it anymore ?

If yes, do you have another solution ? (a 1/4''jack-XLR cable would suck ?)

ummm.... I just bought a passive di-box yesterday (radial pro di), i reamped it like this:

soundcard out -> passive di output (6.3mm plug-female xlr) - di input -> guitar amp input

and mic´d it. worked.

I don´t understand why would you need the active box when reamping...
I believe that will work. not trying to be a smart ass but i bought a Radial Labs X-Amp and it is worth every cent do yourself a favor get ya one. :kickass:
I have a firepod. The outputs of the firepod are line level, unbalanced.

The picture of the Firepod says "balanced". So the active DI would be an unnecessary step. Also, the balanced output from your active DI would be at mic level, which probably would be to low.

IF you are certain that your passive DI works in the wrong direction; try without the active DI. It does nothing besides messing up the signal even more. :)
off-topic stupid question - when im recording di track - the signal from di box should go to mic preamp and then to sound card or it should go directly to sound card?
off-topic stupid question - when im recording di track - the signal from di box should go to mic preamp and then to sound card or it should go directly to sound card?
I think your diagram is just fine, but I don't see the need for the active DI in that chain. I have a passive Radial ProDI that I recently used for reamping for the first time, and it worked great in reverse. I sent the clean track out of my Digi002 (1/4" out), into this:


It was like $14 at Radio Shack...which yes, could be home made for cheaper, but I don't really care.

Then the mic cable, into the DI in reverse, and then the guitar cable on to the amp. To get the DI level right, I started with the DAW fader of the track completely down (which of course, produced no sound through the amp at all), and then eased it up until it sounded right coming out of the amp. Too little level sounded just like having the pot on your guitar turned down, and too much level just made the tone sound kind of nasty and slightly blown out. It didn't take more than a minute to get the level right, though...just play with it until all aspects of the guitar playing sound right out of the amp- chords, chugging, etc. It's that easy! It even tells you in the manual for the Radial ProDI how to use it for reamping...which is funny, because it leaves Radial little room to justify you spending money on the X-Amp.