Would you accept a check in a craigslist deal?


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
So I'm trying to sell my Yamaha HS80M on CL, some guy called me, really interested, told me he'd meet me at a local gas station, so we meet. I show him the monitors, in perfect shape, then he says "Hey, sorry but I forgot my wallet, can I pay you with check?" "I tell him....um nooo I wasn't born yesterday, cash" and he says "Sorry I forgot my wallet, I can write my ID info on it, wheres a local bank around here?" I tell him "Sorry man, call me when you have cash, closed my trunk and left.


Update (9:51AM): He called back and said he just left the bank, meeting again in 5 min :SMH:
Update (10:02AM): Success. To my luck everything panned out. Awkward situation.
My secretary mailed you the wrong check and now I need you to send the difference back through Western Union. I also need your full address, social security number, date of birth, phone number, blood type, job history, and mother's maiden name so that I can open a bank account in your name and go on a spending spree without repercussions.
yea...good call man

even if he had the most honest intentions, there's still no way i'd go for anything but cash on a transaction like that. i think the only other thing i might accept would be to send funds thru paypal, and then i'd drop it off...but even that leaves open possibilities for scam-age.
Well played, and there's nothing awkward about it, the guy should have been well aware of what he was asking.
You are going to go and meet with someone regarding a purchase and you don't bring your wallet? Either you're trying to scam me or you are to retarded to use anything I might be selling.
I had a guy once ask if he could use Paypal when i was trying to sell him an ESP 8 string, and this was after I drove over an hour. Luckily he gave me the money, he said he was trying to hide the transaction from his wife.
^ i can relate to that. i'd also be disappointed if i was married to a guy who plays an 8-string :)

Fuck money orders as well. Get some fucking cash together, it's a fucking face to face.

yea...money order in a personal transaction is weird, but less shady than a check. i'm sure there's some way to make up a fake money order of some sort, though, so i'd still be wary. at least the paypal thing makes sense...i almost bought something off of CL a while back with paypal because i had an available balance on a credit card, but no cash.