Would you agree?


Would you agree, that Faith No More's Angel Dust is one of the best Metal/Rock Records of all time? I just dusted this mother off early this week & have been playing it over & over....
Love the track Midlife Crisis, but overall the record is a classic.
sixxswine said:
Would you agree, that Faith No More's Angel Dust is one of the best Metal/Rock Records of all time? I just dusted this mother off early this week & have been playing it over & over....
Love the track Midlife Crisis, but overall the record is a classic.

I would agree for sure Its a great album But I'm kinda partial to faith no more anyway I have always loved the sound of Mike Pattons vocals I pretty much like anything Faith No More has done :)
genocide roach said:
rap is somthing that should never be mixed with the word metal! EVER!

Dude I do agree with ya I was just FUCKING with ya lol Tho I am A big Faith no more fan Its NOT because they helped Build the current musical climate Its because they were a talented bunch Gotta Love Surprise your dead or Diggin the Grave
It's funny that I am the only guy in my band who fucking thinks FNM are great, I have not met many metal fans who dig them, I think they rule.

While Angel Dust is a great album, my fav would have to be King for a Day Fool for a Lifetime, it fucking rocks, and if you want to here FNM at their finest check two songs off of Album of the Year, Cup of Sorrow, and Closer.
Its my favorite Faith No More album but to say its one of the best metal/rock albums of all times would be going a little to far.
Its probably one one of the best pop/rock albums of all time though.
I personally think Mike Patton is one of the most talented and diverse vocalist out there,although hes not my fav.
Well,thats just my opinion :cool: