The most diverse album you ever heard.

I agree that Watershed is not that diverse, IMHO, but it still kicks ass. However, the topic of the thread is "The Most diverse album YOU ever heard", meaning it is everyone's own opinion. Obviously, Nicholas, this escaped you. You would have thought someone with your "superior" intellect would have realized that.

My IQ is 145, what's yours?
I agree that Watershed is not that diverse, IMHO, but it still kicks ass. However, the topic of the thread is "The Most diverse album YOU ever heard", meaning it is everyone's own opinion. Obviously, Nicholas, this escaped you. You would have thought someone with your "superior" intellect would have realized that.

My IQ is 145, what's yours?

highly doubt that your iq is 145 seeing as how you're actually stating the obvious in that it's everyone's own opinion
IQs are pointless. All they measure is your ability to do an IQ test. Fucking useless.

I agree with Nicholas. Metal isn't as diverse as some people like to think. But you know what? Is there a problem at all with that. Like I have said before, does Reign In Blood need to be diverse to be devastatingly awesome? No, it doesn't, and that album lacks diversity like nothing else. There is abrasive or abrasive, non-stop for an almost half hour.
watershed follows the same opeth formula but to a more extreme extent: ballad, heavy track, heavy/soft, powerballad, soft/heavy, soft/heavy, soft/heavy.

how the fuck is that diverse?

jesus christ I swear the average iq of people on this board is probably somewhere around 80 because you are some daft motherfuckers.

metal is not diverse. period. I don't care if it's a band like unexpect that plays random notes and shit, or if it's a band like nile who play the same thing every album - if you are naming a metal band in this thread, you're an idiot.

there really is no answer to this because any album that is named, surely there's a more "diverse" one out there.

Well, now that straightens everything out!! My post was mostly to compare Watershed against all DT albums. But yes you are very smart, and congratulations, IQ-boy! Personally I don't give a flying fuck what many of you cocksuckers think or say!:)
I have yet to hear an album as diverse as i'd like, but, i guess i'd have to say...Steve Vai - Flexable Leftovers, or Real Illusions:Reflections. I won't call it diverse unless someone makes funky reggage metal thats diverse.
Well, now that straightens everything out!! My post was mostly to compare Watershed against all DT albums. But yes you are very smart, and congratulations, IQ-boy! Personally I don't give a flying fuck what many of you cocksuckers think or say!:)

are you illiterate? I was referring to lateralus14's post you ninny, as if it wasn't plainly obvious.

jesus christ.
What the fuck do you mean with diverse anyway? Stupid fucking question if you ask me...


–adjective 1. of a different kind, form, character, etc.; unlike: a wide range of diverse opinions.
2. of various kinds or forms; multiform.
are you illiterate? I was referring to lateralus14's post you ninny, as if it wasn't plainly obvious.

jesus christ.

:lol:One of the few who get visually agitated/pissed off on a forum! I'm fuckin' lovin' it. Illtrararcy iz nuthin 2 jok uboot!:zombie:

Seriously, though, illiteracy and IQ really have nothing to do with the dick-waving pissing contest that this thread has turned into.