The most diverse album you ever heard.

jesus christ I swear the average iq of people on this board is probably somewhere around 80 because you are some daft motherfuckers.

Is that because of your -63982 IQ?
...ermm don't tell me you can't have a negative IQ, please.

I don't see why you haven't been banned from this forum, you keep bringing some "motherfucker" replies and contradicting everyone's to get little attention. Though you seem to have an opinion, I consider you as a troll. :u-huh:

Back to thread, I wanted to say that I think metal can also be diversified within its own genre. Isn't it the point of being "diversified"? Suppose we stay into metal for this thread, please. I personnally don't give a f**k about the rest, but please stop bringing down metal on ultimatemetal.
I havent been banned because deron nor samsara haven't seen fit to ban me for supposedly "trolling". my opinion is just as valid as your opinion is.

and why do we have to stick to only metal? this isn't "the most diverse metal album you ever heard," it's "the most diverse album." there's a huge difference, and anybody naming a metal album in this thread...their opinion is basically invalid. watershed is not a "diverse" record, considering it follows the same opeth formula (give-or-take) as the rest of the albums. mixing metal with acoustic guitars is not diverse, guys.
I havent been banned because deron nor samsara haven't seen fit to ban me for supposedly "trolling". my opinion is just as valid as your opinion is.

and why do we have to stick to only metal? this isn't "the most diverse metal album you ever heard," it's "the most diverse album." there's a huge difference, and anybody naming a metal album in this thread...their opinion is basically invalid. watershed is not a "diverse" record, considering it follows the same opeth formula (give-or-take) as the rest of the albums. mixing metal with acoustic guitars is not diverse, guys.

I agree acoustic + metal =/= diverse, I was just kinda thinking at the time that watershed is a little more complicated than that. The acoustic sections in previous Opeth albums are very samey, with the same guitar tones, chords, whatever (though awesome..) but the styles in Burden's cleanness (70s rock-ballad kinda thing, whatever you call per's solo) are not similar to The Lotus Eater's cleanness (somewhat bluesy followed by funk). In that way, I think Watershed is much more diverse than any Opeth album, although clean tracks in Ghost Reveries are significantly different from one another as well. I'd definitely say calling that just average transitions from acoustic to metal is simplifying it an aweful lot as if just to be critical of metal for no good reason.

However, after taking a short healthy break from metal for like 5 days (well its a lot to me..) I guess I'd agree the answer to this post doesn't lie in metal..

I don't have a ton of music on my iPod (like 1800 songs here and another 2000 on the computer) because I don't like to completely load up on music and spread my interests so thin I can never really love anything, so this might be a petty example but I think Eric Johnson's Ah Via Musicom is pretty diverse for what I've got; while people like Vai and Satriani try to explore different styles they always come back to a bit of shredding in just about every song, but Eric Johnson at least does a better job of not sticking to some core sound as he explores just about every style (that shredding style in Cliffs of Dover, a classical acoustic sound in Song for George, country blues in Steve's Boogie, etc. etc.)
I agree acoustic + metal =/= diverse, I was just kinda thinking at the time that watershed is a little more complicated than that. The acoustic sections in previous Opeth albums are very samey, with the same guitar tones, chords, whatever (though awesome..) but the styles in Burden's cleanness (70s rock-ballad kinda thing, whatever you call per's solo) are not similar to The Lotus Eater's cleanness (somewhat bluesy followed by funk). In that way, I think Watershed is much more diverse than any Opeth album, although clean tracks in Ghost Reveries are significantly different from one another as well. I'd definitely say calling that just average transitions from acoustic to metal is simplifying it an aweful lot as if just to be critical of metal for no good reason.

You actually make a good point. For an Opeth album, Watershed is perhaps the most diverse.
there's nothing fucking diverse about watershed ftlog. are you that deaf that you can't hear that it's generally the same thing opeth has been doing since the inception of the band? obviously there's some variables, like less growls etc - but it's not diverse. I'd be more inclined to call something like sgm or unexpect diverse, over watershed. and even then, they're not diverse in music, only really in the metal capacity. which this thread is not strictly limited to.
Fantomas - Delìrium Còrdia
1 song called "Surgical Sound Specimens From The Museum of Skin", 74 minutes and 17 seconds, concept about surgery without anesthesia