Would you fucking do it???


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
My friend committed suicide because of a girlfriend who dumped him.
I still can't understand it. Would you fucking kill yourself over a bitch??
May he rest in peace.
Ah fuck! I hate suicide and everything associated with the act. It makes no sense maybe it can be justified if someone is in immense physical pain and will die anyways, but not over another human being!!! People dont realize how much shit they make each other feel like and the after effects of suicide. I know a girl whose bro commited suicide and then her other bro commited suicide cause he never got over the incident. The girl now gets drunk a lot and drinks alone too.

I mean no matter how much you love a girl it is not the end of the world. There are more girls out there, and time will heal. There is so much to live for besides women in the world anyways... :confused:
I'm real sorry to hear about that, Johnnie...

Depression is a motherfucker. I know first-hand. It's knowing you have a support team of family and friends who love you for who you are that keeps you going, and sometimes even that doesn't seem like enough.

Sorry to go "Dr. Phil" on everyone... just hope that girl knows what she did and that she can live with the consequences. The board's here for ya, man...
johnnieCzech said:
My friend committed suicide because of a girlfriend who dumped him.
I still can't understand it. Would you fucking kill yourself over a bitch??
May he rest in peace.
I'm sorry to hear about that dude.

I've flirted with depression and it wasn't pretty. Especially when it was over a woman. So, I'm really sorry he went through that. No one deserves to die like that.

May he rest in peace.
Sorry to hear about that bro.
Depression is a mother fucker. It's more than just about that girl, it's about an immense feeling of lonliness, embarrassment and feeling of no future worth living.
Not blaming you, Johnnie, but in a case like that friends is the best help. You, guys, shoulda been out there for him. Some years ago I went through shit like this. The only difference was that I was planning a fucking double murder (what a moron I was). Some friends found out about that and literally havent left me out of their sight...
Well, what's done is done. To those who are in depression take my word there are better times ahead.
No. Never because of someone else! Every now and then I think about it, because of my own pathetic life though, but then I think of my mom, and how she´d do if I killed myself. That´s about all that keeps me from doing it. (she´s doing fine, btw. :) )
But what´s the point of it all? Nothing but trouble all the time. Living from this month, until the next when the money´s coming in again.....

Fuck it!
among_the_dead said:
No girl is worth dieing for and i mean NO GIRL! they are cruel and evil but the pussy feels so good. thats why they say, cant live with'em cant live without'em.
Mmmmm, Pussy.......
Johnny I so sorry man. I know how you feel a friend of mine also killed himself but not over a woman.
Life gives us situations to deal with and we try to do the best we can.
I hope you feel better soon.
Hey Johnny ... sorry to hear it man but in reality its not your fault or that `bitches' fault either. Your late friend was obviously in a great deal of pain and sadly saw no other alternative but to end his life.

Very sad indeed.
DarbysDad said:
No - I wouldn't.

I drank myself broke once over this but no death for me.

Ditto for me.

I was in a suicidal depression for 2 years over a girl (god that sucked). Then Anthrax's Stomp 442 album and Alice in Chains self titled album came out and the lyrics were such a positive, enormous kick in the ass for me that everything started to change.

"Kickstart and turn me over.....
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger."
i recently had a friend who commited suicide for the same reason. he was only 22 years old. what a waste. i get angry when i think about it. he had broken up with his girlfriend of about 4 years. he seemed ok just a little down in the dumps. his brother found him in the garage about 2 weeks ago with the car running. his family and friends are devestated. i used the bottle as my suicide but luckily when i hit rock bottom i decided to give life a try again . now i'm clean and sober and loving life. when i think of all the time i wasted being a depressed lush it just reaffirms to me that life is for living. this is the 3rd suicide in my life in the last 7 years. the other 2 were family members. it hurts to see the pain and destruction that it leaves behind but, sadly the person thinks they have no other choice and, this is their last way to find peace. i am truley sorry to hear about your friend.
That´s sad Jan, very sad.

A lot of people who have been through serious depressions here I recon. You guys aren´t gonna go emo-core are you? When your depressed thats not a healthy thing to listen to.

Kids, just say "no" to emo-core!

And BALDGUYFROM, double murder? Damn, should we be afraid of you?
Jesus Johnnie, I'm terribly sorry to hear that. I hope you're OK.

To answer your question, in the past, it depressed me, I'm a gloomy fucker, but never to such an extent. I've got an old friend back home who hit the bottle hard after his girlfriend of many years left him for another guy; he got 3 DUIs ("driving under the influence" offences) and had to have jail time (mandatory in Wisconsin after your 3rd). He had dreamed of becoming a teacher, impossible now. So, he's basically fucked his life because of a girl, and I worry that he might take that next step.