Would you fucking do it???

Arg_Hamster said:
Kids, just say "no" to emo-core!

Does that mean I can't listen to my Joy Division tape? :Smug:

T'sokay, Arg, I'll wear headphones and keep the singing along to a minimum...
This is bad for you. Try to keep positive.

I have a very close family member try it but he survived, but no-one even knew he felt so bad in the first place to try it.

Anyway he got his life back together and is getting married in November.
Spidey138 said:
Johnnie-a friend of mine just killed himself this past weekend. This makes FIVE of my friends that have taken their own lives over the years. I know how you feel, man. May your friend rest in peace.

I hope you are doing ok. That's a lot of friends to lose in your lifetime. Sorry to hear that.
Like its the girls fault! If she wasnt happy, and ended the relationship, its the person who KILLED THEMSELVES who is at fault. Dont try and pin it on someone else when your friend had no one to turn to.

I sympathize with you losing your friend, but lets not jump to conclusions.
Man thats some tough news, I'm sorry bro.

My father killed himself eight years ago and it destroyed my family. It infested us all with a pain so unmanageable that sometimes I just feel like I'm gonna lose my mind.

Your pals ex-girlfriend will never recover from this kind of emotional damage so whatever she did (or didn't) her life is fucked.

If you ever need any kind of support through this brother just e-mail me, I'll do whatever I can to help. Its a tough ride from here.
Listen, guys, I'll say it again. Nobody but friends are the only ones who could help in such a fuck-up situation. Johnnie didn't really ask who would or who wouldn't. He needed a spiritual and an emotional boost from us. I was shocked to find out that so many of us already dealt with suicide. All I say we have a lot in common (music for instance), why don't we get together one night and talk this shit over a pint or two. New York seems like a good place, but could be any other (except Baghdad and New Orleans). Hey, why not?
dailyvault said:
Does that mean I can't listen to my Joy Division tape? :Smug:

T'sokay, Arg, I'll wear headphones and keep the singing along to a minimum...

Joy Division is okay because they did songs about being sad without wearing crappy tribal tatoos and bling-bling.
Johnnie.... Sorry Bro. I lost my best friend this way and on the surface for the same reason. The thing is if a person is bad enough off to go the distance with it there was a lot more going on than you or anyone else knew about. Also, even if you or anyone else did know there was nothing that could have been done anyway. Once a person is resolved it is only a matter of time. Hang in there brother... dont try to make sense of it.... just go through the emotions and keep the close ones a bit closer for a while.