Go for it!

Fuck it all! Fuck this world!
Fuck everything that you stand for!
Don't belong! Don't exist!
Don't give a shit!
Don't ever judge me!

Kill, how many do I have to kill
To get rid of them
I see them telling lies
In every church they lie
They have no future in my eyes
Kiss this world good bye
I am coming after you
You know your god won't help
Torture I would love
to torture them
Hurt them with my hands
Their pain will be my joy
I will do everything I can
To make them disappear
No place for them on earth
No chance to have rebirth
This is what I want
Free from Christ!!
Free from god!!
Free from you!!
[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/k2f ]
Free from all god's children!!
Victory!! to my dark wolrd!!
I watch you die!!
I masturbate upon your graves!!
Hate I will show you hate
Bleed I love to see you bleed
Gone now and forever
Free from Christ!!
Free from god!!
Free from you!!
Free from all god's children!!
Victory!! to my dark wolrd!!
I watch you die!!
I masturbate upon your graves!!
Satanic Victory
Kill, how many do I have to kill
To get rid of them
I see them telling lies
In every church they lie
They have no future in my eyes
Kiss this world good bye
I am coming after you
You know your god won't help
Free from Christ!!
Free from god!!
Free from you!!
Free from all god's children!!
Victory!! to my dark wolrd!!
I watch you die!!
I masturbate upon your graves!!
What's everyones favorite trees? Mine is oak.

The larch.





The larch.
Fuck it all! Fuck this world!
Fuck everything that you stand for!
Don't belong! Don't exist!
Don't give a shit!
Don't ever judge me!

TBQFH that is a quality hard rock/Metalcore album. I feel embarrassed that I can tolerate that album.. but it's not bad... in fact that song is actually decent.

Yeah... I said it. Not respectable metal, but enjoyable, none the less.
I still have that album on my shelf tbh. A buddy of mine and I listened to that album CONSTANTLY my freshman year of High School and it has a bit of nostalgic value to me even if I have not listened to it in years.
It's so nice to have someone like Onder around to look after our wellbeing.

My favorite tree:


And in a convenient edible form:

On the other hand, I think raddish is the most underrated vegetable.
TBQFH that is a quality hard rock/Metalcore album. I feel embarrassed that I can tolerate that album.. but it's not bad... in fact that song is actually decent.

Yeah... I said it. Not respectable metal, but enjoyable, none the less.

Gay. :p

Evil? said:
I still have that album on my shelf tbh. A buddy of mine and I listened to that album CONSTANTLY my freshman year of High School and it has a bit of nostalgic value to me even if I have not listened to it in years.

Double gay. :p