I agree with the person who said that as long as it stays in tune it doesnt matter. So depending on the scale length and tuning we need to experiment and make sure it doesnt. Once we get it right then the number doesnt matter.
Because beyond the point where the tuning is stable (by beyond i mean higher gauge) what happens affects the tone and then it becomes personal taste not better or worse.
And bringing up the name of guitarists is fine but u have to find your own thing because it depends on you as a player.
Guitar is so personal!! Its like tone. A guitar tone may suck for your playing, touch, style etc, and fit someone else and vice versa.
Also riffing aside look at soloing. Thicker gauge has a sound but lighter also does!! and its not necessairly worse.
Because lighter gauge means that your vibrato will need less effort and will loose less of your personality in the process. as an EXAMPLE only
SRV uses thick strings and its awesome. Yngwie uses .08 on Eb and it works as well its just different.
We just nee dto keep an open mind and find what works for us.
It takes time though. there are so many factors you need to start with the "approved" because you cant test everything at the same time. Things like that just happen by either accident or time where you have more fixed factors and can now fuck around with the rest.
End of speech. now time to