Guitarists who play in B standard...come on in!

I use same as Ashgarth.
Sometimes if i cant get hold of them i have to use Rotosound 54's with non wound g, but that is only if i get real desperate as non wound g sucks!:Puke:
totally a matter of opinion. but in my expierience, i get tones that my ears like more with thinner bass strings. as marcus said, it gives muh tone more bite and a snarl that cannot be had with telephone wire. though thicker strings do sound fatter, they also tend to sound less defined. again, my opinion, and know some of y'all and dozen other people that disagree, but tone is always a matter of personal taste (yea yea, i know it will be suggested that i have bad taste...)

I'll post some clips later when i get home from the doctor. i gets muh cast off and in the clear, and hopefully get to play guitar again, yay!
Having recently experimented with B tuning for the first time, I must say that playing chords with an unwound 3rd string sounds as wrong as NAMBLA. :erk:
I used a 24 at first, and found that it was too thick to sound decent... I'll use unusually light Gs because heavy ones sound like vomit until a great deal of work is put into them.

Nah, you just need a thin enough wound third (.22 in C is PERFECT for me) and it has plenty of life IMO! (and I do lotsa soloing, check out my myspace for a couple of guest solos that were recorded with a wound-G :D)
ive already heard your songs man ! Really cool tunes u have there, paul gilbertish (with obviously more metal to it xD) type of sound imo ! But i didnt know u used a wound g thou.. sounds really good, but i think that when u use some dive bombs or lets say if u abuse of the whammy bar, i think its easier with a unwound g
Plain strings suck at a certain thickness. If you tune low enough, you gotta get wound for tones sake. It's not hard to play a wound 3rd, unless you've never played acoustic/jazz/flatwound guitars before? I don't see how soloing or harmonics would be much different, its just making your fingers learn a slightly different feel.

I also don't buy the all strings same tension thing, since they aren't used for the same sounds. I like a loosish top end and solid bottom. Fingers can do the rest :)