Recommend me a guitar.

Yeah, they pretty much suck ; < (Musikshopen? You mean Musikbörsen or have I missed a store? :goggly:)

Oh! haha I never figured out how to pronounce it anyways, it's on Odinsgatan right? I recall not being able to find a single Jazz III in all of Gothenburg hahaha

EDIT: Oh and as for Caparison I've owned 3 so maybe I can help there...Don't get a mahogany Caparison, they use really strange mahogany, its lighter than it should be and it isn't very warm, it sounds really thin (on superstrats at least)...I had a mahogany bodied Horus and acoustically it was ALL hi-mids, and literally nothing else. I also had a Dellinger HGS that was mahogany as well, with an ebony fretboard, it sounded too harsh/brittle.

The one I play now is a Horus HGS with a walnut body and a maple fretboard and it's the best sounding guitar I've played :heh: It's heavy as fuck and really meaty sounding...with an EMG 85 in the bridge its fucking angry! If you get a dellinger get a dellinger II FX, its walnut and fixed bridge :)