Would you recommend In The Woods... ?

Dare I say that this band is a legend in my eyes!

"Omnio" is pure genius - one of the three best records of the 90s. Seriously!

The album is so good that I treat it as a "special occasion" when I play it. If you like Opeth, Green Carnation, King Crimson, Agollach, etc., you should love these guys.

Then, try their awesome release "3x7 on a Pilgrimage". Their cover of King Crimson's "Epitaph" is to die for!
Kushantaiidan said:
Then after you've spent a few months getting your feeble mind around that monster, then you can move onto their other albums.. heheh

I like your style!

Soundmaster said:
The album is so good that I treat it as a "special occasion" when I play it.

I feel the same way too. That album is really becoming a part of me, but it's not an easy album to get into.
Pancakes said:
It's easy as fuck to get in to. At least for me...but then, I absolutley adore the style, regardless of the band playing it.

That's kind of like my caveat to the would-be listener. It's easy for me too but I recognize, relatively speaking, Omnio is not exactly casual listening; though, after one's appreciated it, it's perfect for that too. :)
Call me wierd, but I like 3 by 7 on a pilgrimage. Omnio is the second best, and at times I like it the most, but Karmakosmik is the coolest fucking song in the world.