wow. more good news!


Aug 2, 2002
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(1) nick and i have almost figured out how to get a mini movie of freddy ripping apart my rug two nights ago onto the net. you can hear me in the background going 'what are you doing!?!?'.

(2) i am wearing my rolex today.

(3) This morning, some cholo tried to fuck up my relaxing walk by following me all the way to the park (mind you, it’s 5 am) and then sitting on a bench watching me walk around. I walked past him almost three times. There were two other people in the park, so he wasn’t bothering me. The two people left (one had two dogs, one had a cat on a leash!) and I walked past him and he said ‘hey princess, wanna fuck?’ and I said ‘god, no…’ and kept walking, then i heard him say 'bitch'.. i was like HELLO SO CLICHE but i didnt actually say that. I was freaked out but I figured I would just leave the park at another exit and bolt home. Then the two dogs I thought had left with their owner came BOLTING back into the park running and barking, so the kid got up and left because I guess he was either bored, or if he was going to stab/rape/kill/molest/taunt me as I figured he was.. he realized the big black guy was back with the two dogs and he was out of luck for misdeeding today. so it's good news that i didn't get stabbed/raped/killed/molested/taunted

(4) i watched the 'biggie & tupac' documentary last night and it was pretty neat

(5) i have the house to myself all week and it's going to be cool.
seriously tho shit like this happens at least 4-5 times a week. even if i am covered in slime/dirt/bleeding sores.
when i had a black eye (from getting knocked out cold and a DEP show) and a huge cut on my face, was wearing a sweatsuit, and hadn't showered in 5 days, a guy asked me out when i was buying a bottle of ipecac.
a friend of a friend of my roommate bill (he's a classic Stoughton boy, if that means anything to any of you all) is known for being the guy who goes around at 2am and asks every girl in the bar, no matter how busted, if they want to come home with him.

he almost ALWAYS brings SOMEONE home. usually busted.

the moral is that nine noes may get you a single yes. but the prize is a crapshoot.
I watch everything I see on Biggie and Tupac. I have no idea why it is so interesting... Its like watching QVC when your stoned... minus the drugs.
(a) all biggie and tupac things are like an enigma. or like a retarded person drooling. you can't stop looking. it's just how it is.

(b) i dunno how stoughton people are supposed to be, BUT this guy was definitely weird.