Wow, vintersorg music video!


groove junkie
Feb 11, 2006
this made me laugh....hard.

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it's so extremely absurd that made me laugh too :lol:

i had the strong supiscion it wasn't a serious thing from the post's title :)
:lol: I was still living at home when I first started listening to Vintersorg. One time I was sitting at the computer listening to Ödemarkens Son and my dad walked in and said "Hey, I didn't know the Swedish Chef had formed a band!"

LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
ahahah watch this with korpiklaani :lol::lol::lol:

I tried watching it without laughing but then the cake starting singing and I couldn't help but laugh.

EDIT: I just watched the Korpiklaani one and that one is so much funnier.
Hahaha awesome, now I'll dance and move like that everytime I listen to Till Fjälls!! :rofl:

Korpiklaani's vid id really funny too! :rofl:D