Wow... what happened to Dimmu Borgir?

i actually like theatrics in music ... music should be a large part visuals and a "show" especially live.

but DB never did anything for me on the musical end so I don't give a shit ...

Music is music, and theatrics aren't involved there, but a live SHOW is a show and some measure of visual aspect is involved. At the very least, the musicians should convey the same amount of energy and the feelings of the music via their body language and general demeanor. If not, they don't seem to take their music seriously so why should the audience?
OK... I know for most of the folks around here, Dimmu would have been better served had they called it a day after the release of Stormblast. Be that as it may, I always felt Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia had a cool vibe to it, and that Death Cult Armageddon was at least creative, in that it bridged Power Metal and Black Metal. Again, not something I'd expect them to get many kudos for around here, but still. A torrent for the first single, from their forthcoming and comically titled album, Abrahadabra, just leaked. The song is beyond bad, to the point of being laughable. If a picture is worth a thousand words, than this worth a dissertation.


Is the guy on the right supposed to be Captain Jack Sparrow?