

New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2004
Orlando, FL, USA
New fan here. I'm not officially into metal, there's a lot I've tried and haven't liked, about the only metal band I really like is Opeth (listen to Agalloch sometimes too). I managed to read about Katatonia in a thread ON the Opeth board in these forums. Immediately got and listened to Viva Emptiness and LFDGD. I haven't been this into a new album (or 2) in a long time. I realize from what I've read about them (and I did listen to Brave Murder Day) that these newer CD's of theirs are nothing like their roots, and I'm sure there might be some metalheads out there who don't like their new direction. But I simply love these two albums (I will eventually work my way backwards through their catalog, no need to rush it yet). It's really barely even classifiable as metal, and it also has a very polished, dare-I-say *mainstream* sound to it? Which I would normally hate but it works really well here. The sound on these albums is simultaneously clean, unique, and accessible.

Anyway, I don't often post on these types of boards but I figured someone might be happy to know about my new discovery. Flame away. :hotjump:
Katatonia deserve a lot more fans than they have, every new one is a very good thing :) Glad you enjoy them, and Opeth and Agalloch are fucking good too!

Hey Im new to the forum as well. Not new to KATATONIA though. I personally enjoy nearly every katatonia release. Old or new they have a distinctive, flowing sound to me that I fell in love with the first time I heard :Murder:. That was the first CD of theirs that I bought"brave murder day" shortly after it came out. As they progressed in their music I progressed in my life, with heroin and cocain mostly. It was a horrible time in my life and the music went with me everywhere, in my stereo or in my head. I got over drugs when Last Fair Deal Gone Down came out. As my life changed so did their music. I couldnt have asked for better musical score to my life. I dont know why I just wrote all of that, besides the fact of it being my truth.
You're not alone Deliverence, I've been sober for awhile now too and I think Katatonia's music has helped me out big time in kicking my habits. I guess its good to know people feel the same way that you do and you just have to be fuckin strong without substances, which is actually much easier in the end in certain respects; the band doesn't talk about drugs all the time(which I'm glad for) but I'm pretty sure "Clean Today" is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Ive been waiting for you Midgetwar. I dont know anyone who's sober that REALLY likes Katatonia, and I know hundreds of sober people. Needless to say that you are a drop of water in this(seeming) desert. I have always wondered If they guys form Katatonia have had any exposure to A.A.
Im not sure if I want to know if they have drug/alcohol problems or not(seems too personal) but I certainly can relate many of their lyrics into my personal struggles with drugs/alcohol.THANX
Glad to know Im not alone, Reece C.
Deliverance6 said:
I dont know anyone who's sober that REALLY likes Katatonia
Come to think of it I don't know a whole lot of people that really like metal in general who are sober, but I'm sure there are plenty (you know what they say, birds of a feather....) I know Morbid Angel will/ used to kick people out of the band if they did drugs I think, but I'm not sure if that includes alcohol, something I can't touch. Either way I would be glad if there were bands that spoke out against drug use, just as long as it was subtle, not preachy, and well I guess not fucking straight edge bullshit. I mean if they don't want to do drugs thats fine they shouldn't force it upon others like there fuckin better than them or something; thats what straight edgers tend to do. anyway thats my soapbox for
now. I'll see you around Reece.
I started this thread, I have known about Katatonia for about two weeks now and have listened to NOTHING but them since then. I have seriously been listening to every single one of their albums at least once a day (I can listen to music at work). I have not liked a band this much in a long time.

But... I would describe myself as relatively sober, and always have been for the most part. I enjoy a few drinks now and then and am not against totally getting trashed, but I'm definitely not an alcoholic, and while I've experimented with other things in the past, I've never been even close to addicted to any of them.

But then again I am the exception to many other rules in life, I'm used to it by now.
Glad to know that your finding out about Katatonia, and that you have some enthusiasm for them. Glad your here and getting involved :)

When I speak of sobriety, Its the most important thing in my life. You see I am allergic to alcohol and drugs. When I use them I break out in handcuffs and felonies. So it is important that I stay completely sober. I am happy that you are not alcoholic. Its O.K. if YOU are "relatively" sober. There are still days when I want to be "relatively" sober, But then I would die and I wouldnt be able to post on here.HAHA. I just cant do it.

You are welcome here, although some might sound as if you arent. Ignore the bullshit.
You are invited to read through the forum and discuss with us. :)