Baliset guitar deity Jul 31, 2002 7,498 5 38 46 New England Aug 15, 2005 #22 i bought some extra apples if you want those. i can fedex them to you. and there's some elftover cake in the fridge here.
i bought some extra apples if you want those. i can fedex them to you. and there's some elftover cake in the fridge here.
Baliset guitar deity Jul 31, 2002 7,498 5 38 46 New England Aug 15, 2005 #23 ps. josh this thread rules. i am jealous for the fact that you rock harder than me right now but i'll get over it.
ps. josh this thread rules. i am jealous for the fact that you rock harder than me right now but i'll get over it.
Baliset guitar deity Jul 31, 2002 7,498 5 38 46 New England Aug 15, 2005 #26 i also have some two week old hummus
Josh Seipp Member Nov 19, 2003 2,992 1 38 47 Baltimore Visit site Aug 15, 2005 #27 I'm rocking harder than I've ever rocked before! ps somehow my boss has managed to give me a shit ton of work today DESPITE beign on vacation
I'm rocking harder than I've ever rocked before! ps somehow my boss has managed to give me a shit ton of work today DESPITE beign on vacation
minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Aug 15, 2005 #28 =[ no fair. more stories. less workies.
0sm0se Mr. Negativity Jan 12, 2004 1,216 0 36 40 The West Coast Aug 15, 2005 #29 is it really elftover cake? Them elves make some crazy baked goods and pastries!
avi W3RK3R Aug 21, 2002 10,213 3 38 Oly, WA Aug 15, 2005 #34 man, I go and sleep for 7 hours and come back to NOTHING! what a bummer.
minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Aug 16, 2005 #35 yea josh stop with the work ethic. less work more post.
avi W3RK3R Aug 21, 2002 10,213 3 38 Oly, WA Aug 16, 2005 #36 tell your boss that you've got people depending on you