WoY visibility worldwide

the live gigs here are few and not much to talk abt really.
not sure how hard it is to find a job teaching english here,i guess it depends where you want to teach.the salaries is higher here mainly due to no tax.
Scarlett Letterman said:
Christ man give me a break, the lack of criticism in this forum is ridiculous. We don't have to be all nice and positive all the frikin time, and then as soon as someone steps out of line pounce on them. Its alright for someone to disagree.

Good for verderf and what he's doing, but that people are going to wear their woods apparel on their vacation to represent amongst the natives is just a silly topic imo. Besides who wears a toque in that weather anyway.
It seems like you missed the bigger picture of the initial post in the first place. Maybe you'd have preferred a thread bearing a title that is more socially engaged. I wasn't planning on posting anything here but mailed the picture to David as a sort of private "joke" albeit joining the story behind it. He in turn motivated me to go ahead and post it in the forum anyway, exactly because of that story. Considering I don't want to teach people any lessons, I figured a more common thread subject would be desirable. So you disagree. Tant pis.

As for the picture itself, I figured it would be funny to wear that toque there exactly because it is so out of place. Even though it was in fact raining just before the pic was taken. I suppose you'd have to know a little more about a country like Sierra Leone than what you read (or don't) in the newspaper to know the skies are regularly emptied there.
Not to mention the fact that "natives" often wear a wide variety of headgear to protect themselves against the sun, and not only in Africa. Again, it takes a little cultural insight to know about these things, I agree...

BTW, the topic was never intended to ask people for their holiday pics with WoY gear. For someone living in Europe, a snapshot taken at a local bar in Canada is just as exotic. If you are then wearing a WoY garment, it exceeds the usual "forum members posting their photo" threads. At least this one here would be related to the band. Just my two cents.
Incidentally, I took my WoY shirt on my recent holidays and I *will* post a pic. Bugger it. It was nice to wear white under the shimmering desert sun anyway.
Wadi Rum desert, Jordan. No "natives" present. :p

FUBAR said:
^ wow looks like a beautiful place.
It sure is. Spending the night under the open star-spangled sky was amazing and the late night talks with our local guides around the campfire were mind expanding to say the least. It gives one a different look on the Arab/Muslim world than what reaches us through regular channels guarded by Western gatekeepers. I like to form my opinions and insight on direct info.
That being said, one always has to keep in mind who is saying what from which angle. It's only when you put everything on one big pile that you can start forming your own opinions.
Digging up this old thread again, :)


That'd be me at Wacken 2006!

I wore the green shirt at the Mølla Music Festival too[Not during our gig though],
but I don't think there are any pictures of it.



Here is a photo where I am wearing my Woods of Ypres shirt in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is a beautiful country. The entire area is just one big rainforest with little towns here and there. We mainly travelled along the southwestern part of the country- eating amazing food, watching crazy looking birds and animals, and hiking in the forest and on the beach.
Scarlett Letterman said:
Christ man give me a break, the lack of criticism in this forum is ridiculous. We don't have to be all nice and positive all the frikin time, and then as soon as someone steps out of line pounce on them. Its alright for someone to disagree.

Good for verderf and what he's doing, but that people are going to wear their woods apparel on their vacation to represent amongst the natives is just a silly topic imo. Besides who wears a toque in that weather anyway.

Well, I can see two problems with this post. One, there really is no point for criticism, what's not why we are here, and two, promotion of the band is never a bad thing.

That's all in my opinion.

"Besides who wears a toque in that weather anyway"

I guess Verderf does.

Anyways, Now that I'm back from vacation and I have money, I'm planning on ordering a few things. A piece of Woods of Ypres will meet Northern Alberta!
Jessica Rose said:

Here is a photo where I am wearing my Woods of Ypres shirt in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is a beautiful country. The entire area is just one big rainforest with little towns here and there. We mainly travelled along the southwestern part of the country- eating amazing food, watching crazy looking birds and animals, and hiking in the forest and on the beach.

Lookin' good!

I've always wanted to go to Venezuela, Brazil or Costa Rica, but I'm strapped for cash, so I guess I'm stuck here for a while. I have aunts and uncles who go to a new country every year, and the pictures that have of Cuba and Costa Rica are amazing, to say they least.

Were you there on tour or vacation?
I went to Costa Rica for my honeymoon. We found it to be a fairly affordable place to visit, as we went in low season, got a fairly cheap flight and stayed away from the resorts.

My favourite town was Montezuma. It had the nicest affordable cabins, the best restaurants (also afordable) and it was totally laid back, with absolutely no old people. Prices in Costa Rica are going up though, as it becomes a more popular place to visit. When we went in May, there were very few tourists.
Jessica Rose said:
...it was totally laid back, with absolutely no old people.
Do you mean old people are generally not laid back? ;)

Seriously though, I'd been looking forward to this pic to surface in here, so thanks for sharing, Jessica.
Jessica Rose said:
I went to Costa Rica for my honeymoon. We found it to be a fairly affordable place to visit, as we went in low season, got a fairly cheap flight and stayed away from the resorts.

My favourite town was Montezuma. It had the nicest affordable cabins, the best restaurants (also afordable) and it was totally laid back, with absolutely no old people. Prices in Costa Rica are going up though, as it becomes a more popular place to visit. When we went in May, there were very few tourists.

You're very lucky. I hope some day to save up enough to travel to A few towns in South America then head over Europe afterwards.

Was there any particular reason to not go to the resorts? (other then it just being like staying at a big, fancy, generic hotel you could go to around the corner from your house)?
Royal Carnage regular Conspicuously Absent vacationing in Germany:


(He doesn't post outside of RC, normally, so I thought I'd do this for him.)
Perhaps not very far away, but I have a story that JUST happend to me (1:47PM Mountain Time 9/12/2006, right now. About ten minutes ago it happend :) ) I went to a used book store here in Denver that specializes in used college books for my school. When I walked in, there was a guy standing around reading, he worked there. As I walked down the stairs, he acknowledged me. I noticed he was wearing a Weezer (blah. I liked their first album--when I was 12,--but my God these guys are terrible now,) shirt, and at the sametime he noticed my Blood Red WoY shirt. I saw him study it for the brief second he saw it as I walked down the stairs.

After I came back-up (not finding my damn book!) I asked him if they'd be likely to get anymore in. He answered me, but you'd think I'm a chick with a large set of breasts because he was just staring at my shirt, no doubt trying to figure out what the fuck it said. :lol:

I thought it was rather funny.