If you're still interested in ... umm ... obtaining music samples that you can listen to before you buy the album, you may want to try the following:
http://web.mediaseek.pl/ - an Audiogalaxy clone. Still relatively new, so there's not a whole lot of users yet, but one to watch.
http://www.blubster.com - a good napster clone, and what I'm using the most at the moment. Fast as all hell. Could use some more users as well, though
http://www.slsk.org/ - Soulseek. I was using this religiously for about 3 weeks two months ago, and then they had some domain name problems, but they seem to have been sorted now, though. Some great features as well.
http://web.mediaseek.pl/ - an Audiogalaxy clone. Still relatively new, so there's not a whole lot of users yet, but one to watch.
http://www.blubster.com - a good napster clone, and what I'm using the most at the moment. Fast as all hell. Could use some more users as well, though
http://www.slsk.org/ - Soulseek. I was using this religiously for about 3 weeks two months ago, and then they had some domain name problems, but they seem to have been sorted now, though. Some great features as well.