The solution to our Audiogalaxy problem is...

The follow-up for AudioGalaxy will not be a Napster-like program. It will combine the best features of AG and decentralized filesharing programs. And most importantly it will be open-source. Shutting down ONE AudioGalaxy site is easy for RIAA, but think what's the case if there are 10000 of them and they all work together. Open-sourcedness makes that possible.
Scanning huh? I'm letting everyone else try this thing first. If it ruins something, I don't want to be the guinea pig. :lol: suckers

Blackest Harvest
Its crap. Utter crap, there is absolutely no way that it will replace AG.

And your suggestion would be...?! What you're saying doesn't help. Only escalates the madness. Nothing will replace AG, hopefully, something a little bit better will come along like Samoniac said. So maybe this Blubmaster or whatever it's called isn't good. It's only a suggestion.

Thorns will be rightfully punished for abuse of the word "solution" in the title of this thread.

Yeah, I gave Blubster a chance... it is a napster clone and I hate those! Anyway I am hoping there'll be a truly good program to fill the AG void...

In the mean time... we'll have to make due with something else, anyone have any suggestions??? Anyone? Samoniac has the right idea, but is there anyone here tech-savy enough to initiate some like that? Or will we have to wait until someone else does it. Frankly I don't care if it's a blatant AG ripoff as long as it works like it, I'll be happy.

Cheers for pirated Metal!!!!!!!
my only complaint is various songs disappeared. I downloaded the first two songs of a particular concert they had in the States and when I came back on the next day, the rest of that show were gone:( :rolleyes:
Sounds like Gnutella, minus searching for other formats and without the list servers. I hope they do it a little better.

Edit: Having just ran it.. it seems like a cross between that and Kazaa. It's nothing new, but it doesn't seem to completely suck like those others, at least on the software side. Basically it's equivelant to WinMX but dedicated to music, which could help.

Nothing will beat AG for finding everything, since it kept a record of all songs that all users had, logged in or not.
If you people wanna survive with mp3's you have 2 choices : 1) download all of those gayass programs (kazaa, morpheus, limewire,audio gnome, win mx, blubster, filetopia [all shit]) or you could just get freakin mIRC and learn to use it ....getting albums there is fawking EASY once you learn how to use it ....

here's the instructions :) :

make sure you're connected to DAL net once in the program.

enter a MP3 channel (#mp3_metal, #mp3_blackdeath, #mp3_deathmetal)

getting someone's list of mp3's : @(name of user) -- bots will constantely "advertise" their username. EXAMPLE :

"Bringing Doom To The Masses Since 1979! For My List of Kick Ass Doom/Stoner Shit(7025files:38274MB) and DCC Status, type @Chrononaut and @Chrononaut-stats. [(2/2) Heads Leeching (21/333) Stoners Waiting] [Next Sign of the Apocalypse: 11s] [CPS being smoked: 20704] [Longest Hit: 23.5 by |Shug|] [Total Freaks Served: 201"

now ....from that one example above basically just copy the "@Chrononaut" part and he'll send you the list ....
(btw, in mIRC to copy something you just have to highlight it with your mouse ....basically just highlight and no need for all the right click bullocks!)

getting the wanted mp3's from the bot/person's list : once you get the list .... just copy the entire ROW the song is in and paste it into the MAIN CHANNEL YOU AND THE USER ARE IN can copy down about 6 songs at once but it's not recommended as this is seen as FLOODING ....just go one by one :)

once you paste it'll be in QUE ... to check your que status just type in @(name of bot you're dloading from)-que

and remember can only que up as many songs from one bot as they allow.


simple . just type @(name of song or album or band name...whatever you need)

IM windows will pop up with individuals results (only thos who have something for and you can just copy the text they will give you (which is the same as one row from the list they send you)

removing a certain song from your que : if you want to totally remove all ques from one bot just type @(name of the dude/dudette)-remove ....if it's just one song you wanna remove then add the exact text of the song to the command just mentioned.

also keep in mind that only those with a + or a @ before their username are serving mp3's don't randomly just copy anyone's name ......

it's really simple once you learn it :) ....if you have any other questions just ask in the channel .....and if noone answers you then PM me :). trust me ...this is far more superior from AUDIOGALAXY even ....has all the choice it has and then some!!!
Thanks Slipknot_isn't_metal, I never really had the interest to learn to use irc for downloading music, but now I noticed that there's actually quite a lot of stuff out there. Thanks to your nice "beginner's manual". Irc rules. :rock: :rock:
Originally posted by samoniac
Thanks Slipknot_isn't_metal, I never really had the interest to learn to use irc for downloading music, but now I noticed that there's actually quite a lot of stuff out there. Thanks to your nice "beginner's manual". Irc rules. :rock: :rock:

no problem :) ....there is a LOT of stuff on IRC fact ....i believe that the new Nile is downloadable right now :D ....*goes to check*
When I try to connect with mIRC I get this error a lot:

Due to constant abuse from this site, users are now required to install identd on their computers. Send email to with [exp/ident] as the subject for more information. [AKILL ID:1019963316K-a] (2002/06/26 06.46))

I wasn't able to connect at all but then suddenly, once, it connected. I was confused but it worked well and I liked the program.
Originally posted by Useful Idiot
When I try to connect with mIRC I get this error a lot:

Due to constant abuse from this site, users are now required to install identd on their computers. Send email to with [exp/ident] as the subject for more information. [AKILL ID:1019963316K-a] (2002/06/26 06.46))

I wasn't able to connect at all but then suddenly, once, it connected. I was confused but it worked well and I liked the program.

my guess is that it's getting packed due to AG being down ....i'm not sure myself about that
Do you know any good channels besides the three you listed? I was wondering what channel might have the new Gordian Knot album...