The Death of Audiogalaxy and opinions following its demise.

They have a right to complain, tho... considering the harsh reality :) And we know that, yet we violate their copyrights.

And I think mp3 sharing just developed rapidly within the last 3 or 4 years... so that's a new "threat" to the musicians, they couldn't really consider it when they started the and, right? At least not in such a size!

Anyway, I hold no interest in deepening this debate right now :)
Good night!
They have the Legal right to complain i would say. Maybe you are right and i should drop this off, if i dont it because it pisses me off that people wont take responsability for themselves, i take responsability for braking the law and know the dangers, Why certain Musicians refuse to accept the dangers of their profession? Ok so many of they are aware, but you do not see me screaming around saying how unfair is that AG closed down, i did 1 comment about it and it wasnt even completly related, im one of the few people who can say is not whinning about AG closing down. So lets be fair lets stop AG bitching and artist bitching both.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

He will hate me for it, but Mark told me this once, i dont think nothing im almost literally telling you what he told me, how he got him into UM by praising him as a musician and pretty much sucking up to him. Dont scream at me scream at Mark, im not the one to blame for that he is. Ok so that comment was unecessary maybe, but its beginning to be fun so i wont edit it.

I've never spoken to you about Vintersorg, and if truth be known - I never had any contact with Vintersorg up until a few months ago. This forum was arranged by one of his fans, and all I did was create it.

Although I gather from your last sentence you're joking, I mention this just to clear the air of anyone gullible enough to believe your ramblings ;)
I am now staying out of this discussion. It'll just turn me against people, and I don't like to be like that. Especially if I don't agree with people. But I hope you all realize that not everyone has the same opinion as the other. Sure, some people think just like others, but they have differents views on that opinion. Just hope ya'll can be friendly towards eachother.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
As a result? I love that you went out of your way to evaluate the economical situation of each and everyone of the 65% of those so you can be shure they would buy it if there was not mp3 around. You didnt? too fucking bad next time YOU try to "Fucking prove it" before you trow your crap.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
I am now staying out of this discussion. It'll just turn me against people, and I don't like to be like that. Especially if I don't agree with people. But I hope you all realize that not everyone has the same opinion as the other. Sure, some people think just like others, but they have differents views on that opinion. Just hope ya'll can be friendly towards eachother.

Im not a "friendly" person, so you all will learn to hate me and then to ignorme gradually.
guys, i hope this quarrel is coming to an end now! this is not the "in flames" forum! i hate people in here calling each other names and fighting each other! this forum is known for it's politness and tolerance towards others points of view! so stop it now! audiogalaxy has closed down, that's a fact! there'll be another new filesharing program taking it's place, that's a fact! so all this argueing won't change anything anyway, and, when it's done in a way like here, only ruins the friendly reputation this forum has!
Originally posted by Misanthrope

kiss my ass

word to the wise...go beyond this third grade level of stupidity....fuckin' a its a just a discussion...this sentence may be stupid sounding but fuck it.....Be the bigger person and not stoop to his level and argue and gets nowhere quick...this might however be a pathetic attempt to get u guys to realize this isnt grade not sayin anyone is to blame or anything of the like.....but this is pointless
If its not grade school how do you explain the grade school stupid sensitivity, this forum is supposed to be polite and peacefull? is not fucking church screw your crap ill flood it to death if you keep this up.
ok, misanthrope, your nickname puts your attitude very well! if your feeling better, then go on insulting people and behaving childish! but don't be insulted if the people here ignore the further crap you write here! this is not church, it's a forum where you can express your opinion but accept others in the same way they accept yours! and if you'll flood it to death like you said, we'll just send a little e-mail to mark and you're banned! got it now?

@deadwinterdead:i didn't accuse you, actually i didn't accuse anyone, just kept it general!
Wow! This thread has made me very wiser, so thanks
to Misanthope, Vintersorg and Tyr :o)

Doesn't matter how much mr M throws flaming around,
he still has a point, and he stands behind it very well.
All my respect for that. But then again, I know where
he's coming from, so I know what to expect. If I'm lucky
he'll start going at me as well now, just wait :o)

I have to agree, having your music on Audiogalaxy and
other places where mp3's are distributed should be up
to the owner of the music to decide. But I am 100%
when I say that piracy will _always_ exist.

But, I am hoping more sites like this one -->
will pop up in not too long. I am hoping for more sites
like that, who have maybe two songs from each album
by every artist there is around. This site has made me
discover some new bands, and I have linked to it when
telling people to listen to Opeth for instance :o)

This is a place where recordcompanies can promote
their bands very well :o)
It's the assholes who download the full album, burn it on to a CD, and have no intention on ever buying the album... They ruin the Napsters and AG's.

It's easy to say this, but I'll go ahead as I'm sure I'm not the only one. I like to d/l a song or two to get a taste. Once I've heard it a couple of times, I delete it from the computer, haul my ass to the store and buy the fucking cd. I now see that my post has no point... This is a topic that ppl will never see eye to eye.
I have bought more cds in the past few months than I ever have. I spend all of my money buying cds and eventually go broke since I don't have a job. I spend whatever birthday, Christmas, gradation, etc. money on music whether it be going to concerts, buying cds, buying shirts, etc.

I will say that I download mp3s in order to check out new artists. I would have never found out about Vintersorg and had it not been for mp3s. Upon listening to a few tracks, I bought the albums. I will also admit that I downloaded a few songs from the Visions promo with full intent of sampling them to later buy the album, which won't be released here for several months.

I am all about supporting the artists, but I feel that mp3s serve a purpose of allowing people to be exposed to bands. It is when people download full albums and burn them with no intent of buying the original cds that it becomes a problem. These are the people who ruin things for everyone else who intend to buy the albums. I don't know about you guys, but I would hate to have a music collection comprised of cd-rs...not very appealing.