The Death of Audiogalaxy and opinions following its demise.

Originally posted by Misanthrope
I just like to tell it like it is, cutting the crap.

But well overall i dont care how much i disagree with mr V. i still love the new album ( lets ignore the fact that i have it ) and will be around here more often cause of that.

I understand. And I'm glad you still enjoy the works of Mr. V. He just doesn't like how people steal things, nor do I. But I know where you're coming from. And you see it different than most of us here.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Giving the fact that im posting my opinions here and the fact that i already said everyone is incredible biased, how can it be otherwise?

What I meant is that you say they are biased since they don't agree with you , i.e they must be wrong since they don't agree with you....:rolleyes:
Don't you believe these people can think for themselves?

If there was a third point of view like a few people have shown in this thread, i could ( and DO if you cared to take a fucking closer look you lazy fuck ) respect that, but it seems like im hearing the same exact thing, and once i even got a quote stucked in my face. It works both ways i agree, but you cannot prove there is only 2 ways cause there are several more and they have been posted already and i dont have a problem with them.
Wow this thread really opened my eyes. I mean I know that it is imoral to steal of course, and obviously file share websites are stealing material that does not belong to us in any way shape or form. I always knew that it was very hard for musicicans ro make it, especially in the genre of Metal. I heard an Interview with John Schaffer of Iced Earth, and he commented on it as well. And I know it really doesnt come down to a matter of money, wether or not this band is ok to download from because they are rich or not. But in the end everything is about money I guess :( . Honestly and on my word as a man I apologise to you Vintersorg and Tyr. I dont care what the others think, if I am being an asskisser or whatnot, I believe in apologising for my mistakes and that is what I am doing.

Now that you two have really gotten me to look at it another way, I really dont miss Audiogalaxy. Sure it was nice to get to know about all of the bands that 2 years ago I would have had absolutely no clue about, but to be a part of crippling a mans dream is something I want no part of. I humbly and honestly apologise for the things I have done and the ignorance I have displayed on this issue.
Oh and Misanthrope please dont get into huge arguments with them, I know its your thing to challange people in alot of ways but cmon, its fucking Vintesorg and Tyr show alittle respect man. Dont piss them off lol :p
Originally posted by Misanthrope :

"Well you dont know me but im mean and jaded so i dont give a fuck. I rather be mean and jaded than being naive and stupid. "

Looks like you're a bit of each and you also seem to think you are better than everyone else for some reason.

"I just like to tell it like it is, cutting the crap."

Like it is according to WHO?! Who is it who dictates how it is, Misanthrope? Can you tell us? Since you have a superiority complex.

"I thought this forum was a bit more mature and open minded but when it comes to being a fan they go out of the way to follow mr. V with their eyes close, i thought people had an opinion of their own, saying "Yea Vintersorg is right" is patetic useless and makes me feel sorry for that person because his life is empty and meaningless. Everyone is allowed to disagree with Vintersorg and i suspect more than 1 of the people who agree with him is just because out of "respect" to him, whenever they like to admit it or not."

More facts as dictated by Misanthrope? :lol: Let me tell you something, if I disagreed with Vintersorg he'd know it in no uncertain terms, just as you are knowing now. This issue with file sharing is something that I have voiced strong opposition to on a great many more forums than this one and for a long time now, so why don't YOU try to put things in perspective and gather facts before spouting off shit and making an ass of yourself.

"I didnt wanted to say that but you stupid fanboys piss me off, he is not a hero he is a whinny dumbass that wants everyone to love him, how do you think mark convinced him to join UM? by sucking up to him."

Who determines who is a "fanboy" and who is not? YOU?! The great authority? No, he's not a hero, and nor am I a "fan". He is just a normal decent man trying to make his way honestly in this world just like the rest of us. To be honest, I wouldn't know this man if he walked up to me on the street but I respect him as a fellow heathen and will defend ANY fellow heathen as such or any decent person for that matter.

And who really cares about the specifics of Vintersorg joining UM? That's just your version of what you THINK may have happened or what you'd like in your mind to have happened. Don't state opinion as fact because it's not.

it seems you just have a need to gain attention by insulting people, that's pretty sad.

Man, there's little else that annoys me more than pure ignorance and arrogance and you have shown both.
Fanboy example Number 1.

When you are done giving blowjobs maybe you can use these money

*hands him some cash*

And buy a fucking brain. No one deserves my respect and if Vintersorg or Tyr dont like what i say, why dont you let THEM tell me so i can tell them to kiss my ass? this doesnt concern you stupid brainless piece of shit, if you try this again i would send you your heroe's genitals over a box so you can stick them up your mouth and shut the fuck up.
:lol: :lol: a typically mexican reply, why am I not surprised at all by this? You think you actually intimidate me or anyone else? :lol: You are boring at best. Make yourself useful and go pick some fruit.
I just cant help but post again. I really feel bad about this, I never looked at it in this light. To me Vintersorg and Tyr are in ways heroes to me. Because being a musician Imho is one of the most noble professions. Sharing a part of yourself with others, and that part wether or not helps/influances more people than they will ever know. Since music is the most beautiful and exspressive art form it can get to different people in different ways and affect certain people differently. It has been a major part of my life these last few years and I will admit that aside from thoughts to the contrary it HAS made me the person I am today. And I truly thank the many Men and Women who made it possible for me to enjoy a part of them. I feel that me downloading mp3's now was contributing to dream smashing which is something I despise in others, seem's I have been a hypocrite. And since I am a man I will admit I have 1712 mp'3 which means alot of theft. I admit to my errors and accept the responsibility of being at fault. And yet again apologise for this. I hope this appears genuine because it is in every way shape and form. I have errored greatly in the face of morality and then tryed to defend myself for it. This is an embarrasing for me, I believe highly in honor and morality and this had none of either. I have been a hypocrite and a fool and I apologise for my idiocy, and disrespect.
Looks like you're a bit of each and you also seem to think you are better than everyone else for some reason.

I am and i wont explain why, if you dont know me fuck you i dont care.

Like it is according to WHO?! Who is it who dictates how it is, Misanthrope? Can you tell us? Since you have a superiority complex.

According to me, as in my personal opinion, as in telling my personal opinion like it is. This has nothing to do with my superiority, it has to do with saying what i think, my delivery might not be the best but im to tired to give a fuck about that.

More facts as dictated by Misanthrope? :lol: Let me tell you something, if I disagreed with Vintersorg he'd know it in no uncertain terms, just as you are knowing now. This issue with file sharing is something that I have voiced strong opposition to on a great many more forums than this one and for a long time now, so why don't YOU try to put things in perspective and gather facts before spouting off shit and making an ass of yourself.

I am gathering facts, look at that idiot just posted, everyone acts like here, they dont say it with words but they act it so its the same to me.

Who determines who is a "fanboy" and who is not? YOU?! The great authority? No, he's not a hero, and nor am I a "fan". He is just a normal decent man trying to make his way honestly in this world just like the rest of us. To be honest, I wouldn't know this man if he walked up to me on the street but I respect him as a fellow heathen and will defend ANY fellow heathen as such or any decent person for that matter.

Good for you, here take some change, go tell your mom, unlike me, she will care about your particular case. Me? im just a bitter motherfucker who looks at the forum as a whole, unless he is requested to get personal like you do. But dont let me get in the way of your happy moments, cause you waste your time i wont care about your particular case.

And who really cares about the specifics of Vintersorg joining UM? That's just your version of what you THINK may have happened or what you'd like in your mind to have happened. Don't state opinion as fact because it's not.

He will hate me for it, but Mark told me this once, i dont think nothing im almost literally telling you what he told me, how he got him into UM by praising him as a musician and pretty much sucking up to him. Dont scream at me scream at Mark, im not the one to blame for that he is. Ok so that comment was unecessary maybe, but its beginning to be fun so i wont edit it.

it seems you just have a need to gain attention by insulting people, that's pretty sad.

To you perhaps, to me is good ol' fun. Its nice to see how everyone is a sensitive bitch and cant take a little insult or 2.

Man, there's little else that annoys me more than pure ignorance and arrogance and you have shown both

I am arrogant yet you make all this assumptions about me and you dont even know me, go figure.
Originally posted by Allison
:lol: :lol: a typically mexican reply, why am I not surprised at all by this? You think you actually intimidate me or anyone else? :lol: You are boring at best. Make yourself useful and go pick some fruit.

Racism, brilliant way to attack my "ignorance"

Good for you, but dont stay for the replies, you dont wanna miss your KKK meeting.
Originally posted by Frost of the sanctum
I just cant help but post again. I really feel bad about this, I never looked at it in this light. To me Vintersorg and Tyr are in ways heroes to me. Because being a musician Imho is one of the most noble professions. Sharing a part of yourself with others, and that part wether or not helps/influances more people than they will ever know. Since music is the most beautiful and exspressive art form it can get to different people in different ways and affect certain people differently. It has been a major part of my life these last few years and I will admit that aside from thoughts to the contrary it HAS made me the person I am today. And I truly thank the many Men and Women who made it possible for me to enjoy a part of them. I feel that me downloading mp3's now was contributing to dream smashing which is something I despise in others, seem's I have been a hypocrite. And since I am a man I will admit I have 1712 mp'3 which means alot of theft. I admit to my errors and accept the responsibility of being at fault. And yet again apologise for this. I hope this appears genuine because it is in every way shape and form. I have errored greatly in the face of morality and then tryed to defend myself for it. This is an embarrasing for me, I believe highly in honor and morality and this had none of either. I have been a hypocrite and a fool and I apologise for my idiocy, and disrespect.

Being a musician is indeed one of the most noble professions. Bitching about it on internet forums aint so it evens out for them to be regular persons and not heroes, dont you think?:D

About your massive mp3 yes you are a thieft. You could mention that your case was outright piracy see, DETAILS are important in this kinds of conversations. You realize that you are and outright pirate maybe cause of the wrong reasons, but you realized nonetheless wich is what is important, good for you.
Maybe Mark had to beg Vintersorg to come to this forum because he doesnt have time for bullshit like this? Maybe he is shy? Maybe he is this that and the next thing? Who knows assuming you are telling the truth.....I am by no means a candy laced ass kisser, I view myself as quite a cynical person. Which isnt a negetive thing, you want to see what the dictionaries definition of a cynic is?

2 : a faultfinding captious critic; especially : one who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest
- cynic adjective

What a sadly maligned and misunderstood tribe we are! Cynicism, after all,
springs not from cruelty or viciousness, but from precisely the opposite: a
fatal love of virtue. If we were mere realists, we'd have no need for
cynicism; the world would never disappoint us because we'd expect so little
of it. But the best cynics are still idealists under their scarred hides. We
wanted the world to be a better place, and we can't shrug off the
disappointment when it lets us down. Our cynicism gives us the painful power to behold life shorn of its sustaining illusions. Thus my own definition of a cynic:

"an idealist whose rose-colored glasses have been removed, snapped in two and stomped into the ground, immediately improving his vision."

These words are not mine by the way, they are the words of Mr. Rick Bayan all credit goes to him. But i did that to get to the point that, I am not a stupid little asskisser who thinks by agreeing with Vintersorg and Tyr that I might get on their goodside. Thats bullshit, as I will never know them personally and they will never know me personally kissing ass on a message board is bullshit, respecting people isnt. I said the things I said based on my beliefs and values, and as I said before I have went against this values and have been a hypocrite to myself, andam embarrased about it, and humbly apologise. Wether or not VIntersorg gives a toss about my apology is not the point its the principle of admitting vault and aplogising.

Please dont be like Satori, telling everyone they are wrong for letting thier minds be controlled by one train of thought that he sees as wrong. And then critisize people for not seeing things as he does. That is hypocritical to the maximum. But that is also another matter and I will let it drop here.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
To you perhaps, to me is good ol' fun. Its nice to see how everyone is a sensitive bitch and cant take a little insult or 2.

"And that's my cue to exit."

I was trying to stay out of the name calling, but I failed on my last post. Oh well.

Misanthrope, I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself at our expense. You seem to enjoy causing discord, and you're also quite good at it. Truely everyone needs a skill in life, and you have found yours. (Though I'm sure you have other, more useful skills).

Like I said before, nearly everybody has clearly stated their views, and most of the people involved in this discussion are firmly entrenched in their views. Trying to convince the other side of their errors will be futile, frustrating, and just not fun. So I propose that we end this abuse.

Misanthrope, you can say what you like now, and I hope that all the readers will treat those words with whatever respect they think you deserve.

And again, I pray, for both our sakes, that we never meet.