The Death of Audiogalaxy and opinions following its demise.

Yes I admit it, i pirated all of those mp3's but you know what unlike some people whom all of which I know have far more mp3's than me would never apologise. Atleast I am man enough to openly admit my fault and apologise for it. But in my defense If I deserve any I have about 90% of the cds that I have songs downloaded for. Unlike others who are content to just have the mp3's and cut the artists out completely. I think its only right that I admit my wrong doing and try and make amends for it, wether or not you or anyone else on this forum agrees or not doesnt matter to me.
Originally posted by Frost of the sanctum
Maybe Mark had to beg Vintersorg to come to this forum because he doesnt have time for bullshit like this? Maybe he is shy? Maybe he is this that and the next thing? Who knows assuming you are telling the truth.....I am by no means a candy laced ass kisser, I view myself as quite a cynical person. Which isnt a negetive thing, you want to see what the dictionaries definition of a cynic is?

2 : a faultfinding captious critic; especially : one who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest
- cynic adjective

What a sadly maligned and misunderstood tribe we are! Cynicism, after all,
springs not from cruelty or viciousness, but from precisely the opposite: a
fatal love of virtue. If we were mere realists, we'd have no need for
cynicism; the world would never disappoint us because we'd expect so little
of it. But the best cynics are still idealists under their scarred hides. We
wanted the world to be a better place, and we can't shrug off the
disappointment when it lets us down. Our cynicism gives us the painful power to behold life shorn of its sustaining illusions. Thus my own definition of a cynic:

"an idealist whose rose-colored glasses have been removed, snapped in two and stomped into the ground, immediately improving his vision."

These words are not mine by the way, they are the words of Mr. Rick Bayan all credit goes to him. But i did that to get to the point that, I am not a stupid little asskisser who thinks by agreeing with Vintersorg and Tyr that I might get on their goodside. Thats bullshit, as I will never know them personally and they will never know me personally kissing ass on a message board is bullshit, respecting people isnt. I said the things I said based on my beliefs and values, and as I said before I have went against this values and have been a hypocrite to myself, andam embarrased about it, and humbly apologise. Wether or not VIntersorg gives a toss about my apology is not the point its the principle of admitting vault and aplogising.

Please dont be like Satori, telling everyone they are wrong for letting thier minds be controlled by one train of thought that he sees as wrong. And then critisize people for not seeing things as he does. That is hypocritical to the maximum. But that is also another matter and I will let it drop here.

I wont and i agree with almost everything you said. You just need to stop proving you are not a fanboy ok? cause it makes you look like one, im almost convinced you are not but replies like these makes people think you go throught great effords just to justify yourself before the eyes of some bitter bully like myself. I understand where you are coming from, but most of this message wasnt really needed if you were confident enough to know it yourself and dont care about anybody else.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Racism, brilliant way to attack my "ignorance"

Good for you, but dont stay for the replies, you dont wanna miss your KKK meeting.

Allison, I'm gonna have to agree with him on this one. He did make some cheap "Fanboy" shots that could've been made with more tact (especially that blowjob comment), but I thought the Mexican comment was uncalled for. To a certain extent, it is sinking below his level.
I agree with you on that Misanthrope very much so, I did go a little too far with that. And it was unessecary, I always found that you are more agreeable with me than with most other people on the forums, that is something I appreciate because 9 times out of 10 I agree with you to some extent. This however was not one of those times. And i know apologising too much does infact make me look guilty of the thing I am trying to apologise for, or deny. I didnt think of that until I had already went overboard.
Originally posted by The Nomad

Allison, I'm gonna have to agree with him on this one. He did make some cheap "Fanboy" shots that could've been made with more tact (especially that blowjob comment), but I thought the Mexican comment was uncalled for. To a certain extent, it is sinking below his level.

Called for or not in your judgement, I stand behind it. In view of the post I was replying to (which you thought was totally acceptable?) I don't have to explain myself, be it politically correct or not, to you or anyone else. And I'm not asking for approval one way or the other. If you want to call me a racist, then that is fine, knock yourself out, but notice how fast people scream "racism" when someone hits a nerve or when it's just plain convenient for them to - as in this case.
Originally posted by Luguber
Misanthrope: If you really don't give a shit what anyone else thinks, and you're not even interested in actual discussion - why do you post here to begin with?

Because he thinks he's a hard ass and wants everyone to be in awe of him. He's just some wannabe poser who goes around trying to impress people by acting like he's "evil" or something when he's nothing more than obnoxious. I WOULD say he's some 15-year old wannabe goth poser but I have more respect for the average 15-year old than to say that. He should spend the time more by improving his written english language skills.
Originally posted by Allison
I don't have to explain myself, be it politically correct or not, to you or anyone else. And I'm not asking for approval one way or the other.

No you don't. I said my bit, and if you wish to continue doing that, I won't say anything. I was just pointing something out. Trying to bring the conversation to a civil level. I made my bid, if it works great, if not, I don't care because I am mostly done with the flamewar in here. If someone actually wants to discuss some substance, I'll reply.
Originally posted by Allison

Because he thinks he's a hard ass and wants everyone to be in awe of him. He's just some wannabe poser who goes around trying to impress people by acting like he's "evil" or something when he's nothing more than obnoxious. I WOULD say he's some 15-year old wannabe goth poser but I have more respect for the average 15-year old than to say that. He should spend the time more by improving his written english language skills.

You seem to know me so well, hard to believe that a racist asshole would be judgemental and jump to conclusions how odd.

And btw show us your spanish skills, then mention my english ones.
I merely used AG... if not for sharing unknown bands with friends, getting them to listen to them :)

Well, seems that's over, well, ok with me, can't say I'm too sad...

WHAT'S sad, tho, is that there seems to be a huge fight over this here!! :eek: :cry: Even between bandmembers and forumers... we see each others points, don't we? I for my part feel sorry about sharing files when I'm reading opinions like Vintersorgs... but then, I tell people about some band and they immediately want to listen, so I send them a few mp3's, if they like it, it's alright... dunno if they download more of the band or not. But those people I know would rather support a band financially than robbing from them in form of piracy... Gah, what a fuck this capitalism is..... :(
It seems the only "acceptable" way... an agreement would be in conflict with industry and capitalism and everything else, I think :puke: But it's difficult to have ideals and to live them if some people (or the majority) does not allow that... if money wouldn't be, in some other society, they would hand their albums aways for free and with signatures, damn... but as it isn't that way, I suppose we shouldn't do ir for ourselves the easy way and leave the obstacles just to them, right? But we are also mainly our of money, unfortunately... but I still try to buy albums whenever I got money!

Has this stupid little fight gone on long enough now? Hope it's a cease fire by now... I'd say this fight is well below any level any of the sides claim to be upon ;)
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
It seems the only "acceptable" way... an agreement would be in conflict with industry and capitalism and everything else, I think :puke: But it's difficult to have ideals and to live them if some people (or the majority) does not allow that... if money wouldn't be, in some other society, they would hand their albums aways for free and with signatures, damn... but as it isn't that way, I suppose we shouldn't do ir for ourselves the easy way and leave the obstacles just to them, right? But we are also mainly our of money, unfortunately... but I still try to buy albums whenever I got money!

Has this stupid little fight gone on long enough now? Hope it's a cease fire by now... I'd say this fight is well below any level any of the sides claim to be upon ;)

Hold hold hold, i never said that you cant said that. Im a professional forum troll. And about the ideals...i guess you are right but wouldnt you consider naive to not be aware of this painfully obvious reality and wouldnt you consider it before you start your life as a musician?. If you do i really dont see why you must whine about it, since no one is putting a gun to your head or anything. Thats why i said artist tend to get a little too close to the sensitive line, cause they often cross it and go for just having converstation or discussing their opinion on the matter to being annoying and childish about it either avoiding the subject or involving too much on it.