Writing Clean Parts

Not totally my cup of tea and I rarely listen to them but Opeth write amazingly interesting song progressions and structure with excellent flow. Then considering so many metalhead guitar players cant strum a guitar to save their ass let alone understand chord structure beyond 2 note power chords makes them stand out even more. The more various rhythmn skills someone knows the more potential they have to be interesting song writers if they are truely creative. If not they will be more of the same old same old, cloning other bands.
Really who cares and someone asked about clean playing and that just happens to something Opeth does and guess what ? ... it works for them. Check out old Tull, Rush, second gen Fates Warning, Queensryche, they are various tried and true aged methods there. Then who ever else of more recent years has applied it. Learn some chord voicings come up with something that grabs ya and your golden in your own little world.