writing post of this is, rebirth

poofter i not am, rebirth no hero my. fucking cocksmack is he, salad tossed his father he did. own dick tried sucking, failed. liked no one by, is he. life has none.

fuck the shut up he will, stupid only reveal more of he. fucked by horse he was. drool and semen on his chin has he, dribbling out of mouth from blowing off his prison mates.

likes no one him. he must go the fuck away, no one cyber here wants to with him. except MSC. even the new RIP50 smarter is than rebirth.

makes metal fans seem stupid all. bad example of human. must choke on cock and die.
This is...

Black Winter Day nowonder, they thge obard has no confidence in you and your ideas.
own dick tried sucking, failed. liked no one by, is he. life has none.

sometimes though he's just a nidio t.


Hey rebirth... I've got cat stevens on VINYL, he's got a monster of a voice, pity he went all islamic and terrorist and everything, the man could have done some cool stuff... love the acoustic guitars.
Mr. Black Winter Day, this is amazing. It sounds a bit like retarded Shakespeare though, but great! :lol:

WHat its all about. Thats what ya should see . ITs not a problem that you dont. Oh, and im not flamming, I love this stuff hahahahahhaha.
yeah, that ledmag is hjahahahahjajajajhoho rebirth, then biff, then, wouldn't surprise me, Rusted, then John Lennon..... and in the end MSC.
and fuckin' True Light, or Fake Light, however you fuckin' call that.
so much fuckin' fun. hjahja.
well, anyone who knows me, KNOWS IM JUST LEDMAG. Thats it.

ANd who may you be you fucking rott ridden gurgle addict? HUH. ? MOTHERFUCKER HUH! You chicken shit bastard.

IT takes a chicken shit motehrfucker to hide behind a false name, to not let ppl know who you r while TRYING to flame. Get with it you assneck bastard.