Wrote and tracked this last night!


Feb 6, 2008
I used two of Fredman's IR's for my cabs, did 2 guitar tracks, bass and I actually used AD's native mixer and FX for this and was quite surprised with the result.

I got inspired to write a heavy fuckin mosh pit friendly tune last night so I fired up Reaper so I could program Addictive Drums for my MIDI drum file. I usually transfer that over to Cubase SX3 and dump AD's outputs to their own separate tracks totally dry. Well I am not quite ready to do the acutal tracking in Cubase so I decide to see how my Reaper AD preset kit did for a track I could playback and critique. I am quite amazed with Reaper because I really like what I was getting from it and so I tracked 2 rythym guitars, bass and AD and mixed it down from Reaper. So here is what I have so far, enhjoy! I rand the bass through StudioDevil's Virtual Bass Amp and my guitar is through a Zoom G2.1u to my Delta 10/10 and into Voxformer and PristineSpace. I used Fredmans latest IR's files "Ion-Pres8" and "Awesome3pulse" one left and the other right. The only effects (besides AD's native FX it has) are a compressor and limiter on the master track.
