WTF! Cow + chicken = - chicken

Da da dadada dadada dadadadada.... Cow
Da da dadada dadada dadadadada.... Chicken
Da da dadada dadada dadadadada.... Cow And Chicken!!
wanna know why the cow ate it? it was probably hungry. how do you people think animals survive in the wild? fucking please. i got a good laugh out of the video. besides, "cow plus chicken equals negative chicken" is a good indicator that uptight animal lover shouldn't watch it, so it's your own damn fault
wanna know why the cow ate it? it was probably hungry. how do you people think animals survive in the wild? fucking please. i got a good laugh out of the video. besides, "cow plus chicken equals negative chicken" is a good indicator that uptight animal lover shouldn't watch it, so it's your own damn fault

Well done, sir.