WTF! Cow + chicken = - chicken

It's just the arbitrary cuteness and vulnerable innocence factor that throws some people off, I admit.
It's either all in or it's all out. You can't morally justify some but not the others, if you can you're just kidding yourself on.

Folks do however need a more holistic understanding of their food, and the animals we do eat need to become much more tangible.
Chicks are chicken veal. The cow knows baby animals tastes better because we do the same. Just you know, we cook it a little more.
It's just the arbitrary cuteness and vulnerable innocence factor that throws some people off, I admit.

Yyyyyeah, but how many people will really spend some "getting to know you a bit" time with their weekly chicken or whathaveyou before killing, skinning and so forth before munching on it? :p

That vid just made me feel a bit sorry for the chick.

Edit: lolz at the 'WAAAHMBULANCE'. Always makes me giggle. And, it was well deserved.
I wouldn't eat an animal that I had spent time with because I would most likely have formed a bond with it. However, that's similar to the way that I'm not sad every time I hear about somebody dying, because I don't know everyone, and I'd be sad all the goddamn time if I pretended to have a connection with people I'd never met.
I'd form a bond with a bear or a horse... or a deer. As it got to trust and know me, I'd clobber and eat it. The flavor of delicious betrayed trust would outweigh the guilt felt.
I'd eat the cats first. Then the baby. Then the neighbor's dog. This one is too amusing, so I'd wait it off as long as possible.