wtf norway

Probably depends on where you live though.
In Korea, there was only news about the Norway incident on television.
Haven't seen a report on Amy Winehouse, yet.
No wonder, it's Korea, man. They've got enough shitty pop artists of their own.
I dont know what to think of it. It is tragic that this did happen. Emptier brings out a very good point about winehouses death averting attention. Did any of you notice as soon as the BS in Iran was going down when their dictator got re elected they rioted and he started shooting and killing his ppl, suddenly MJ died. Seems a bit odd dont you think?
guys look at this study,

For years, video games have been linked to aggression and violence, with researchers and media reports suggesting that violent games have inspired or even caused violent acts.
But a new study suggests that video games can be a force for good, finding that games with positive objectives can actually inspire people to perform acts of altruism.
I have a friend from Oslo who visits Aus. every year, he was just here a few weeks ago.

He's one step from becoming a surgeon and said it was hell at the hospital, they were coming in one after the other all with head and chest shots.

He'd help with stitching up their lungs etc. then send them off to the other doctors to stitch up their faces.

Another one for wtf Norway - Polar bear kills Brit teen in Arctic Norway
