

Lord of Mediocraty
Jul 8, 2003
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Is Maudlin of the Well a band or is this just some board to make stupid threads? I've noticed 90% of the threads here have nothing to do with anything.

Go head talk your shit. :tickled:
nataservant said:
Go head talk your shit. :tickled:

Dearest Mssr. Pumpkineater,

You bring up a number of valid points, all of which I believe I am (more than) qualified to respond to.

You will note that these are quantified in numerical order, as you, and the others shackled to your left... and to your right... and to your left, right, left... are known to respond positively to such tidied orders.

Heaven knows your elders and grand-elders couldn't provide this sort of foundation, so allow the "stripes" to do this for you. It is, after all, in our best interest.


1.) Calm. We will aim no excessive amount of excrement your way, certainly not more than the ammunition currently besieging your comrades. It is obvious that the lot of you are not adept at dodging.

2.) Think. This is a sanctioned medium of communication, and while the quality of such is most of always in question, it is not without grounding.

In title and theory, a musical band is indeed pertinent to these multi-hued halls. In spirit, this is all about a small family in the American Midwest. None of this implies an association with a "Band of Brothers", a label of what was once deemed "faggotry" and for which you may be ultimately mistaken, given the current shape of things.

3.) Update. "WTF"? No, "WTG". Regulars, I suggest you prepare the SS.


Now, you come into this house and start to draw assumptions; yet you do not justify yourself. Your credibility is about as anti-aliased as your avatar.

Corporal Pumpkineater, I suggest that you salute the finger.

Yours Truly,

- The Idea Professor.
