you guys will NEVER believe this ... whew where to begin? this church around here has shows every other friday night that local bands play at. Meedleyx10, myself, a keyboarder and a bassist who arent on here, have a band, Awakenings. We've worked SO frkn hard on these 2 songs since last December. its really great progmetal, one song is a more melodic dream theater kinda song, and the other is an all out Adagio sorta song. Meedleyx10 has been going to these shows to try to get us in. long stoy short, they've been fuckin' around with us since april. telling us 'maybe' and 'well see' and that crap. The kinda bands they have there are just shitty random punk/emo/hardcore bands that the world would be SO much better off without. the crowd isnt much different, but they bring in about 200 or more ppl each show, so someone's bound to like our music. Meedleyx10 just hadda moved across the country from here and his stuff's all packed up, because the scheduling guys at Calvary (thats the name of the place) cant pull their head outa their ass and see talent when it looks them in the face. one of them has a band, obviously another random crappy punk band. they got on the bill for that night and we didnt. the other guy, who does a real shitty Fred Durst impression to try to impress people with, is just an asshole. he told Meedleyx10 that there was no show tonite. so we decide, ok, thats alright. its their loss not having us play there, and thats the end of that ... or is it? i just got back from Spider-Man2 (excellent flick by the way) and i get lotsa IM's asking me if Awakenings is gonna play tonite cuz theres a show. im frkn pissed and never going to that place again. if they want those shitty punk bands playing backstreet boys covers, they already got it. there just no way to express how pissed i am at that place. we are planning to record the two Awakenings songs via email and have 'em ready in the fall hopefully. i will make sure to post 'em on here, and you all can tell me if you would rather hear that or random noise and "jesus this jesus that abortion is wrong by our cd blah blah blah" im not saying im against what their saying. im just not hearing it. theres so much more to insult them about, but they brought it on themselves, so i'll let them get back to their shit and y'all get back to yours
. i dont know if anyone has ever had this or sum'm similar happen b4 to them, but i will tell you right now, its the worst. im at a loss for words here, but you can prolly get whats goin on. it takes a lot to piss me off, but this is REALLY getting to me. i'll be fine tho. imma go drum it off
. any suggestions even tho theres not much to do now?