I feel the community as a whole as grown dummer with just the mentioning of this topic...

May satan have mercy on our souls.
Hey ... why the heck has Neil Turbin been replaced by this Joey guy?

I really like Turbin's work on The Sound of Metal Thrashing Noise - Vol 8-442 - The Threat has come for you All with a Fistful

That ruled.
Julio Iglesius real name is actually.... Julio Iglesius

Bullshit or not? You decide.
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
Did you heae Anthrax is doin a song called "Bring The Noise" with some rap group? I bet they never play it live. Anyone seen them on the POT tour yet? I hope they play "Got The Time" Live!!!

It will never work. This whole Rap-Metal thing was started by Korn ... and Jonathan Davies is like the most hard metal man ever... nah ... true...
GregadetH said:
The future of rap is here - SNOW. 'Informer' mufuckas!
Ha ha! One of T-Dot's finest. :lol: Plus he's related to one of the guys in the Barenaked Ladies. Now if that isn't hard-as-fuck, I don't know what is! :lol:
I feel the community as a whole as grown dummer with just the mentioning of this topic...

May satan have mercy on our souls.
satan's a punk ass bitch. even his ozzy material has grown weak over the last decade. maybe i'll have mercy on his soul but, i doubt it.

all hail the old tits :rock:
Dianno has been fired from Maiden... some guy from Samson is now in.
aliasp said:
Hey ... why the heck has Neil Turbin been replaced by this Joey guy?

I really like Turbin's work on The Sound of Metal Thrashing Noise - Vol 8-442 - The Threat has come for you All with a Fistful

That ruled.

Dude. Right on. :rock:

Oh, and I think that Fresh Prince guy is gonna start making movies soon...
Nazis? Are they like the witch-hunters we have roaming here?

I just invented the wheel and discovered how light works. I will use this in my invention called the camera... I will use it to produce pornograhpy. Then I will invent the microproccesor and inter... hmmmm... net... and use it to distribute the porn.