Jun 5, 2006
On the passage to the reaper video with roope and alexi, alexi does this weird thing when the video first starts and he plays a little shred solo. At about 23 seconds through after hitting a diad chord, he taps the fretboard, then taps at about where the treble pickup would be. but they are harmonics. What the hell is he doing?
He is just bending the 5th fret, and then tapping the 17th fret while still bending the string at the 5th fret to create the harmonic, then he taps the string further down by the bridge pickup to make it last longer.
Feel_The_Force said:
Give me a link to the video i can't be arsed to go all the way through the internet to you tube.
I have it downloaded off a p2p network. But here is a link to the full vid:

Its at about 23 sec. He bends on the 6th fret, then with his right hand bends on the 18th, then taps a harmonic where the treble pickup should be. But What I dontunderstand is if he took his finger off the 18th fret, how is it still ringing out?