Wuthering Heights new album


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
You have to trust me on this one. This damn album is so heavy that I'm afraid to pump up the volume and blow my speakers.

In a sense is less folk than FFTMC but feels like Astral Doors on atomic steroids. I was listening to Firewind new album (great heavy one btw) when I finished downloading this one and while checking it I feel this is even heavier.

I'm just imagine these guys at PPVIII blasting the crowd off their socks. One hell of a contender for the top 5 and mine is already pretty disputed. 2006 is turning into a brutal year for metal :worship:
Wyvern said:
You have to trust me on this one. This damn album is so heavy that I'm afraid to pump up the volume and blow my speakers.

In a sense is less folk than FFTMC but feels like Astral Doors on atomic steroids. I was listening to Firewind new album (great heavy one btw) when I finished downloading this one and while checking it I feel this is even heavier.

Great disc, IMO! I'm definitely *not* a WH fan but this one has hooked me right away. Heavier and less folksy than the last one. Just good, heavy METAL! :headbang:
Damn, I forgot they had a new one coming. I really hate coming home from PP and having a list of CDs to buy already (Circle II Circle, Wuthering, Angra, Falconer, etc).

Does this disc keep the same harmonies as the last one?

Steve in Philly
DarkOne said:
Damn, I forgot they had a new one coming. I really hate coming home from PP and having a list of CDs to buy already (Circle II Circle, Wuthering, Angra, Falconer, etc).

Does this disc keep the same harmonies as the last one?

Steve in Philly

Hi Steve. Well actually is much heavier than the last one less folky IMO, but nevertheless a very promising album.
DarkOne said:
Does this disc keep the same harmonies as the last one?

You're not going to make me go back and listen to the last one to answer that, are you? :lol:

As I remember it and comparing to the new one, the vocals (that's what you mean by harmonies, I'm assuming) are similar. That's about all I can say without going back and listening to the last one.
Wheezer said:
Great disc, IMO! I'm definitely *not* a WH fan but this one has hooked me right away. Heavier and less folksy than the last one. Just good, heavy METAL! :headbang:
WHAT?? That is sacriledge, Wheez! Just for that, your invite to visit has been revoked. Wait, no, the invite is still open. Once I get you stranded out here in the desert I can make you listen to Far From The Madding Crowd OVER AND OVER AGAIN! :heh:

Seriously, the new WH does kick ass, although I feel it's a step behind the last one in songwriting. It's almost "too" Astral Doors for me. If I want straight forward metal, I have plenty of places to turn, but no one, and I mean NO ONE, writes folk melodies as well as WH does. Shadow Cabinet will probably land in my top ten this year, but that pales in comparison to FFtMC, which is on my top ten OF ALL TIME list.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
WHAT?? That is sacriledge, Wheez! Just for that, your invite to visit has been revoked. Wait, no, the invite is still open. Once I get you stranded out here in the desert I can make you listen to Far From The Madding Crowd OVER AND OVER AGAIN! :heh:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, funny that, but we're having a really difficult time getting tickets. There's still time for the Cardinals to really stink it up and make it so the price drops and availability increases. Then there's the other funny thing. My wife's oldest may move down there for a new job. If that happens I can foresee more time spent in AZ!

It's all too up in the air now. Just like everything else. :lol:
You can't find Cardinal tickets? I've never known them to sell out in all the years they've been here. Are they playing in the new stadium this year? I think that has a lot less seating than Sun Devil.

However it works out, Wheez, it's an open invite. We both drink, smoke and listen to loud music, so we'll have fun whenever we get to meet!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
You can't find Cardinal tickets? I've never known them to sell out in all the years they've been here. Are they playing in the new stadium this year? I think that has a lot less seating than Sun Devil.

Yup. They're sold out for the season. There are tickets available but so far they're a little pricey. If the Cardinals keep losing, like they have been, the prices should drop. It's still looking like we'll be coming down there for the game.

Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
However it works out, Wheez, it's an open invite. We both drink, smoke and listen to loud music, so we'll have fun whenever we get to meet!

Cool! The invite is open here too, if you ever make it up here. Turns out the Stepson is moving to the Phoenix area. He'll be down there in a week and they're flying him back every other weekend until his house is sold. He's looking for a house in Wickenburg. I know that's a ways away from you but it's a helluva lot closer than Northern Colorado. :lol: Now I'm just having to deal with a depressed wife until she gets over it. :cry: Both her boys are going to be out of the area. She is much more open to visiting Arizona than she is North Carolina though. :kickass:
Fangface said:
I loved the charming folk elements on FFTMC, I hope they're still there in a way or another.

Well I felt them much tamed on the new one, and at the same time the band heavier on the metal side. I believe I commented about it already, but I haven't paid much attention to the donwload since the first spin, in anycase is not going to surpass the magic of the ' Longing for the Woods' trilogy and ' The Road Goes Ever On' songs that really destroy everything on their path.

Usually the material I download serves me to decide if i'm going or not to buy the album. In case I decide I'm going to, then I don't check the material anymore until the CD is in my hands. I'm a crazy purist an MP3s have no soul :lol:
Wheezer said:
Cool! The invite is open here too, if you ever make it up here. Turns out the Stepson is moving to the Phoenix area. He'll be down there in a week and they're flying him back every other weekend until his house is sold. He's looking for a house in Wickenburg. I know that's a ways away from you but it's a helluva lot closer than Northern Colorado. :lol: Now I'm just having to deal with a depressed wife until she gets over it. :cry: Both her boys are going to be out of the area. She is much more open to visiting Arizona than she is North Carolina though. :kickass:
Yeah, Wickenburg is about 2 hours away since I actually live an hour SOUTH of Phoenix. Must suck for Mom's to have to let their birdies fly from the nest. Reason #1,625 why NOT to have children. :lol:

Fangface said:
I loved the charming folk elements on FFTMC, I hope they're still there in a way or another.
It's not gone completely, Fang. There are still some strong folk parts, but they are much fewer and farther between than they were on FFtMC. Like Wyv said, this isn't going to hold up against their last album, but it's still a very killer record and well worth owning.
Wow the club of the childless metalheads is growing.

Have you thought how many times we deviate form the original thread on this forum? Gosh love UMOS and its denizens.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Yeah, Wickenburg is about 2 hours away since I actually live an hour SOUTH of Phoenix. Must suck for Mom's to have to let their birdies fly from the nest. Reason #1,625 why NOT to have children. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Now see, I'd love to have children but it ain't ever gonna happen. :erk: Such is life. Now I think I'll go listen to some Black Sabbath.

I may be Paranoid but I think The Digital Bitch has The Hand That Rocks the Cradle but The Children of the Sea will pay for the Sins of the Father Over and Over until the Neon Knights can kill the War Pigs.
Wheezer said:
I may be Paranoid but I think The Digital Bitch has The Hand That Rocks the Cradle but The Children of the Sea will pay for the Sins of the Father Over and Over until the Neon Knights can kill the War Pigs.

Brent now you are scaring me, everything alright?:yow:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
It's not gone completely, Fang. There are still some strong folk parts, but they are much fewer and farther between than they were on FFtMC. Like Wyv said, this isn't going to hold up against their last album, but it's still a very killer record and well worth owning.
Ok it still sounds good to me, FFTMC is probably unmatchable anyway.