Wuthering Heights - Within 8/10


Lo Pan!
Oct 6, 2005
Wuthering Heights are among my top 3 favorite metal bands. And since they are on the Lasers Edge label, I was suprised there were no user reviews when looking through the thread list. Very Talented band no doubt.

When I first heard the debut CD. It really didn't strike me as all that great. The guitar riffs seemed cool, but the tempos of the music changed too rapidly to hold my attention. But i had to listen to it again to hear the guitar riffing, Which is actually quite unique.

I found myself just listening again and again, and over time it really grew on me. This CD is a work of true metal art. It's not all "look at how fast i can play" metal (which the guitarist, Erik Ravn, is obviously capable of). And even though you can hear such influences like Rhapsody, Angra, and Blind guardian, they seem to hold their own style of metal.

Nope, you won't find any dragonslaying in this music at all. The lyrics are more dark and poetic. And lead, Singer Kristian "Krille" Adrien's vocals add a quite unique sound as well.

This is a must check out for any fans of the bands mentioned above.