
It's amazing how hard you've worked for the band and for all of us. Well done, amazing site, specially for the info. It's hard to combine so much information with a fresh style, amusing to read.

It's kind of sad the official site lacks so many things...

You guys are brilliant!
NeedledWarheart said:
I love all the guitar specs :D
The person that did them must rule :lol:
Didn't i help with that a little bit???

Also Zarok, Searge, WE should post alexi's Amp setup because soooo many peole ask, and i think just you, searge, Needled, THilo and Myself know the "actual" setup. In Fact i just answed another request on the SOB board. (son of a bitch?? :p). But i can provide pictures and whatnot if needed.
To all you whiny bastards, sorry for giving you even the samples :Smug: :p

And to get Zarok some bad rep I'll lie to all you and tell you that I'd upload the whole songs but Zarok doesn't want to :cool:
Holy shit

Serge, then searge, right after each other.