X50 v2.0

Are you still working on the core sound of the X502 or is the rest of your labor everything else/Putting it all together bugs etc? Cause if there's still a chance it's gonna sound even better than this monster than..:hotjump::OMG:
I have hated that I have been so quite about being a beta tester both here and on the facebook page, been loving the sound so far, even if I haven't quite cared for the stock IR's, but I will be doing some sound tests and reporting some bugs I have already found with the few preliminary tests I have done.
Are you still working on the core sound of the X502 or is the rest of your labor everything else/Putting it all together bugs etc? Cause if there's still a chance it's gonna sound even better than this monster than..:hotjump::OMG:

90% of the core is new and yeah there's an improvement compared to the free version (especially in the feel of the amp) :)
Right now I'm mainly working out bugs and improving stuff after feedback from beta testers :kickass:
I have hated that I have been so quite about being a beta tester both here and on the facebook page, been loving the sound so far, even if I haven't quite cared for the stock IR's, but I will be doing some sound tests and reporting some bugs I have already found with the few preliminary tests I have done.

I've tried the stock ir's but I like to drop in my fav impulses right into the IR folder. The stock + third party ir's will make for tons of tonal variation...especially when the second slot is ready to be added.

As much as I love the previous X50, this kicks it in the arse :rock:
darn. Any chance of you adding a more than 2 IR slots? How come Lecab2 is the only one to offer more than two slots? Is it difficult adding multiple IR slots?
I usually find it starts getting super duper phase-y past two, but that might just be me.

Here is a good tutorial explaining how to solve phase cancelation problem when you are using different impulses.
Basically: if its sounds bad, flip polarity in one of the mics.

"Flipping polarity only works if they are 100% out of phase. In the real world you might be slightly out of phase or even nearly fully out of phase. To get different IRs in phase you need to delay the one thats ahead. There is no other way of getting them bang on. The example in that video is very unlikely to actually happen and can only happen if the diaphragms of the 2 mics are at the exact same distance from the cone and one has polarity flipped or (unlikely) is wired in reverse." (by Mickrich)
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Most impulses now are made with minimal phase transform, so it also means there should be no phase issues with the same signal, unlike real multiple mics recording.
Now I'm totally stocked! after leaving you that facebook message I was a little anxious but you seemed fairly certain you would get it. I'm guessing ill be out as aax after the standard release? :goggly:
Little update, trying some of the TMS impulses (By Mickrich) included in TSE X50 v2.0 (still beta).
Really happy with the sound of this AMP and the impulses included, really mix-ready.
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^^ I'm looking forward to this too and I check here every so often to see if it's out yet!
I'm on Mac so i haven't even used the x50 v 1. Depending on how good this is, I might save myself £400 buying a Laney IRT Studio!
I wonder how well this gate compares to Ggate. I'm sure it'l be sick which i'm excited for! I won't have a flooded plugin browser with 4-5 plugins packaged here (including a gate) can't wait!!
Onqel, Listen very carefully. I use every one of your plugins on all my projects. All the time. I know this is a guitar channel strip of sorts however, add the B.O.D & R47 and I will raise up statues of your likeness, Pillage villages on the countryside and shed blood in your beautiful name, search the far ends of the ocean for uncharted lands to claim as your own. But most importantly.. I will donate an XXL Beer for his majesty.