Xasthur - Subliminal Genocide

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Xasthur – Subliminal Genocide
Hydra Head – HYH-115 – September 12th, 2006
By Nathan Pearce


Yes, you read that right. Xasthur’s latest full-length is being released on Hydra Head Records – home of Pelican, among other “thinking man’s” bands. In association with Battle Kommand Records, Hydra Head apparently decided their first steps in the black metal universe would be with the band that could possibly be the US’ most revered black metal band ever.

Xasthur barely needs an introduction, so I’ll just say the obvious. Ever since the band (it’s really one man, if you didn’t know) broke through with 2001’s Nocturnal Poisoning, the metal world has taken notice of what this band has done. Along with a handful of similar US bands, Xasthur has been responsible for the respect, disdain, and influence of American black metal in the metal community. Xasthur’s brand of black ash, analog hatred and suicide is pretty much responsible for the now stereotyped USBM sound.

So what’s Subliminal Genocide like? Well . . . it’s Xasthur. To be honest, though, this is the first album since NP that has truly tried to advance the sound that started a movement. While the analog/dampened blackness is still the prominent component, along with the severely tortured vocals, Xasthur is starting to really excel at the ambience that bands like this aren’t known for so much. It’d be ridiculous to tell you which songs are best/worst, because Xasthur is more about the experience than the songs. As usual the experience is deeply rooted in hatred, darkness, and suicide.

If you think Xasthur might have pulled a funny one on you and produced something totally different, you’re stupid. However, Xasthur has finally shown they’re (he’s) willing to take this band to even more sickening levels. The use of atmosphere, and in particular the way that atmosphere is achieved, is quite extrodinary. Easily Xasthur’s best since Nocturnal Poisoning.


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Hydra Head’s Official Website