Xmas presents


Finest taste
Nov 20, 2004
kingdom of ...
Anyone waiting for the "Three Wise Men". They arrive to spain on wednesday's nigth.
i dont know, they allways come the night from the 5th to6th.

It was kind of cool the xmas holidays last from the 23rd until the 8th of january.
Oooh, I see, that's the Twelfth Night -- my mother's death anniversary, and she was born on 12 January, strange.
Abcidia said:
Anyone waiting for the "Three Wise Men". They arrive to spain on wednesday's nigth.

there's this village in portugal called arraiolos where they have that same tradition of opening the presents on the 6th jan. we call it kings' day, do you too? usually the 6th is when we remove xmas decorations.
Yeah, we call it king's day as well. Xmas finish in spain the 6th. When i was living in England it was kind of sad, you know just xmas eve, xmas day and boxing day.

It was too short.
that little village is the only place in portugal were presents are opened on the 6th, cos the rest of the country have xmas eve and xmas day only... do you also have king cake?
yeah, you can eat it with cream or without it. and it has hiden a small present and who finds the thingy has to pay the cake.
Well over here in Mexico we have that same tradition "Los Santos Reyes" and its usually only gifts for kids, while in Christmas everyone gets presents, i think its a legacy of the spanish colonization.
Yeah,i suppose. In Spain everybody gets presents on Kings day. But now in xmas eve people are starting to give presents, i think is consecuence of the USA colonization.

Anyway in the Basque regions in xmas eve comes the "Olentzero" that is a old man with a sack.