Y'all wish me luck, Y'hear?


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Applying for a job tomorrow.

Gues where....???

A BOTTLE-SHOP!!! Hell yeah. :D I am A-Grade yobbo now, i just need to wear a VB-singlet and thongs to work, and i'll be set. :lol:

Wish me luck, i'm handing in resume's and hopefully(!) seeing the manager of this new store tomorrow...

Any brisbanites that want to come and visit me If i actually get the job... It's in carindale... :D
Hey good luck! I'm still in the process of job searching, have been for months now as my office will be officially closing its doors end of March, but no luck, no results...might have to apply for unemployment. Anyway, the best to you! Let us know how it goes.
I do wish you good luck and hope everything gets the best it can!! :D Just keep us updated, right? :)
I graduate law school in May and am still looking for a job to start after I take the bar in July/August of this year. I may end up clerking for a judge in NJ for a year before finding a firm to work at...no big deal. Good luck man

...It didn't go to well... I'll get over it though>>> one day.

Hey Ledmag: I didn't call the guy a twat-neck... But i said that the staff at the bottle shop were all twats...

Keep in mind, this was AFTER he said: "Sorry kid, were not looking for any long-hairs here..."

Arrogant TWAT NECK he was.

I'm applying at a VIDEO store tomorrow.... How low... how loooow.... how low you can.... Goooooooo...!!
Sorry to hear that, Trapped but I am sure you'll find a great job soon! :) We'll keep our fingers crossed for you, aren't we, guys? :)
Sorry to hear about that man. I am in the same predicament...still looking for a job starting in September after I graduate this May and take the Bar in July/August. Something will come up bro.

Originally posted by Trapped
...It didn't go to well... I'll get over it though>>> one day.

Hey Ledmag: I didn't call the guy a twat-neck... But i said that the staff at the bottle shop were all twats...

Keep in mind, this was AFTER he said: "Sorry kid, were not looking for any long-hairs here..."

Arrogant TWAT NECK he was.

I'm applying at a VIDEO store tomorrow.... How low... how loooow.... how low you can.... Goooooooo...!!

A bit of TestAment !
Real low lifers, the dregs of society work there, hahaahah.....

* Man its all about perving on the babes, and getting paid for it * Well thats what I do...
We'll keep our fingers crossed for you, aren't we, guys?

Thanks heaps. :)

A bit of TestAment !

Ha ha, yeah, just pokin' a bit of fun at my job-prospects witha bit of testament reference. :lol:

Something will come up bro.

Yeah, i know... It's pretty hard to not let it bother you tho. Good luck with all your stuff over there... hope it works out good for you!