Yamaha MAple Custom free samples


Oct 5, 2010
Panzer city
Hi guys. I recorded several samples http://db.tt/wDoZ0tch

Sound http://db.tt/6HPWab2i

The folder contains the samples of Yamaha Maple Custom Snare for the Slate Digital Trigger software. These samples have 5 layers, 8 sample for each layer.

There are a three files:
DIR - direct signal from the close mics. The blend of top and bottom (MONO)
OH - the signal from the 2 overhead mics (STEREO)
ROOM - the signal from the ambient mics (STEREO)

How to use.
A good start would be just to load all 3 files into the Trigger and set all the faders to Zero. If you need more Room, raise the ROOM channel.
Those signals are almost unprocessed. And I think that they can be great without any processing at all. Maybe some EQing to taste should be enough

I made these for myself, 'cuz I got tired from those I had before and I can't afford to buy any more. I like the way they sound. I plan to improve these samples in the near future and also to record some other good snares. If there will be a good feedback and/or interest, I will make more

This library has some minuses:
There is click in the end of some samples
The dynamic range of SOFT layers wasn't assigned perfectly and there is no any MOST SOFT layer

But it's OK for me. But I will fix it soon.

I would be glad if someone will use these sample in work and leave a comment

