Free Raw Samples...this might well be the best sounding kit in the world ;)

These things sound beyond unbelievable. I'm probably making a full kontakt multi- instrument out of it. What d'u think about that Lasse?

sure, go ahead.

TCIs etc will be in the next update of my sample packs, alongside the processed samples obviously.

Size: 10,12,16

@toxic: in a heart beat

btw, just finished tracking the drums for twisted wrath....
I haven't started mixing yet, but just with some minor EQ and a bit of reverb it sounds rather promising already:


Killer drummer also
Differs a lot.
In this case I actually tracked the drums in the small room (sounds great and gives me 100% control over the sounds), and I'm then using the corresponding room samples to blend with the dry mic tracks.
That way a can get punchy and tight sounding drums from just the mic tracks, very controlled sound, and I then just bring in the amount of room I want.
Probably not the most typical way of doing it, but I kinda got used to that method....I've actually never heard of anyone doing it before tbh...

So I sample the kit in the live room, track in the dry room, and then just blend the room sound in via samples.
There's zero gating on the kick, snare or toms in that yt clip, imagine how tight it's gonna be after some gating:)
Sounds absolutly awesome as always.

Differs a lot.
In this case I actually tracked the drums in the small room (sounds great and gives me 100% control over the sounds), and I'm then using the corresponding room samples to blend with the dry mic tracks.
That way a can get punchy and tight sounding drums from just the mic tracks, very controlled sound, and I then just bring in the amount of room I want.
Probably not the most typical way of doing it, but I kinda got used to that method....I've actually never heard of anyone doing it before tbh...

Very interesting! Isn't it a bit of a PITA to get the mics set up the same way again in the dry room, as you set them up in the live room?