Free Raw Samples...this might well be the best sounding kit in the world ;)

Hey Lasse,

Great sound from the kit! I know it's free, and this is a minor criticism, but when you do this, you should probably emphasize to the drummer that they just cannot move at all when playing samples for you - lots of stool creaking in here, particularly with the kicks. Compression is gonna bring it right out!

Don't mean to sound ungrateful, just a tip!:rock:
Lasse, thank you so much!
Last year I asked you some advices on getting a drumkit...
I went for the starclassic, since I couldn't wait for a Yamaha Custom (spent just one week on US).
Would you mind sharing your tune-bot frequencies?
I tend to tune my kick to 65hz, but I heard people that prefers it about 75hz.
Thank you for the samples, but I'll wait the LSD pack update.
Don't have the tunebot freqs for that, sorry.
The LSD update is already up (of course it'll continuously be updated every couple of weeks, but those updates are and will always be free for owners of the full LSD pack)
Here's the link for the raw chopped samples included in the session. Due to the lack of Tom samples I've made only kick And snare nki's which I'll share in a couple of hours. The nki's will be multichannel meaning you will have separate channels for overheads and room as well as direct mics.
I admit It was funny to scare you to death Lasse haha

Thanks man! I think the tom3 close samples does not work. could you solve it?