Free Raw Samples...this might well be the best sounding kit in the world ;)

I have a yamaha birch kit exact sizes as this kit. Anyone have Tunebot suggestions or tuning info? Love the sound of this kit.
Do you have any suggestions on how you approached the tuning process? Or do you just go strictly off your ear?

I have been looking for a reason to make a multi-sampled Drum ReFill for Reason. When I came across these I saw my chance. So I made a Refill out of the Raw Samples. Which do sound amazing BTW.
If there is any disapproval of this let me know and I will take it down immediately, and keep for my own personal use.

All it's missing is some cymbals and the mappings could be tweaked a bit. The Main Patch is a Combinator patch. Kick, Snare, Toms and Overhead. Snare, Toms, and Overheads have there own respective sub mixes. Now that I think about it I forgot to include the Mono-Room. If there is any interest in this I'll update it later. I will continue to tweak this for my own personal use. I will NOT add any other kit pieces in this unless i am given explicit permission by who ever owns the samples.

Any way enjoy if it's useful.
**link removed**
Not sure I am a fan of that tbh.
it's cool for personal use, but with something like that I'm losing all credit/the link to my name is broken.
feel free to use them however you want for your personal stuff though

Thanks for asking
I understand 100% if you would ever like the file for your own let me know and it's yours (see how it's laid out, curiosity, or for what ever reason). Also If you change your mind and can think of how it should be named and presented to keep the link to your name let me know. I'm all about credit where credit is due, and i think this could be a great addition to the community. ESP since there isn't much for Reaon in the way of Rock/metal with out Rewire.