here is alot of controversy over Golgolot's views , since we are bashing muslims and christians in our songs , alot of metalers from aboard was thinking of Golgolot as racist band or as "not only the band hates christians and muslims but anything not jewish" (and that is sort of a quote) , well to clear the smoke and shade some light over it, i'll just explain ourselves over here
We hate christians and muslims as we consider them enemies of hebrewism and of hebrew people , this have nothing to do with race
a racist is someone who says "i'm better then you and you'll never be better then me" , that is a racist , I'm not a racist , anyone from any race can become a "ger" (convert to judaism) and be just as good as me , may it be an arab , or a european , or an indian , or a japanese , that doesn't matter , the matter of the fact is , that i Hate mentality , not race ... christianity and islam both preach the same idea which makes them my enemies , each of them describes themselves in the following pattern " christianity/islam is the new testemony/new covanant , christians/muslims are the replacement of the israeli nation ,the israelites are from now on "cursed" and we are the new "chosen people" (ech of them says it on themselves of course)"
That is what both christianity and islam claims , each on its behalf.... This is not acceptable for hebrews to accept such a thing , this are lies , and this is blashphemy in the torah from heavens
this is the first problem , the second one is :
almost two tousand years ago , the hebrew people have been conquered and most of them were exiled , the romans titled our land as "palstine" in order to anger us , for the ancient palstines was our enemies, and we defeated them , but the romans wanted to anger us .... for almost 2000 tousands years , the christians ,and later the muslims as well, has tried to genocide us ,
if anyone thinks that what happened in germany only few years back is somthing special , well he's wrong , the only diffrence was that back in those days there were camera's ... the muslims also did "pogroms" , in hebron 1929 the muslims had butchered over 70 jews , this was more then the pogrom of kishnev ! they has destroyed the jewish communty which lived in hebron in those days, and has been there since over 3000 years ... in the early previous century the jews was returning home and trying to rebuild the land and sattle on it , the arabs and christians who descrated our country for almost 2000 years , had no shame , claiming this was their land , and said that we are thieves , you all see in cnn and other channels of the "poor phalestnian muslims" which claims that their land have been stolen by the evil jews , well fact is , this was our country in the first place much before the madman(mohamed) and that yeshu (jesus yimach shemo) was even theorized . imagen to yourself if adreanus instad of calling judah "palstine" after the romans conquered it , would have called the land "judahia" , would we be fighting against the "judians and arafat (yimach shmo)????" how pathetic is that claim ... anyway ... what islam and christianity has done is byhond forgivness , and those muslim pigs have dared build their mosque's over the holiest place to jews , imagen to youreselves if i would go and built a little synagogue over that camel shit they call kab'ah in mecca
This is the reasons for our hate twords christians and muslims (yes , the people , not just the religion) , no one see's golgolot bashing indians or bushmans right ? ...we hate our enemies with real reasons
about that claims of us hating anything not jewish and all the gentiles over the world , well , this is not correct.... Any gentile who will practise seven noah sons commandments is considred good gentile , a "ben noah" , and have a place in the after world
as for people who belive in other religions , regardless to hate , we just cannot "accept" religions which are not authorized by g-d , when noah and his sons came out of the ark , they were given this 7 commandments , this 7 comandments applies to all gentiles , anyone who accept them is considered as fulfilling his mission on earth and thus is rasing over , sons of israel on the other hand (hebrews) are chosen for a mission and have more commandemnts and laws , it is importent to understand that when we speak about being "chosen people" we mean that we are chosen for a mission , this mission is not a game , hashem itbarach is not a santa claus , we belive in a real g-d who indeed give his blesses and his love when we follow his laws and words and its a a sirouse mission , just as there is good payment when we follow hashem word ,g-dforbid if we dont i said this is not a game , judaism and christianity are adversaries in almost all aspects , alot of times i hear this "comparison" in metal sites and other places "judeo christianity" , that is like saying "assyrian- indianity" no such thing possibal .... the matter of a fact is , christianity has taken (and mis transalted alot , somtimes on purpose) alot of the hebrew bible , they did it for the logic as follows
in the first days of country of israel there was not much money to spand for imports and most was needed for buying weapons , israelis had made a car called "susita" which was made of plastic (really) , how did they convinced people to use it and not treat it as unworthy car ? they used a ford engine in it , since a ford engine is trusted , and considered trustable and good , they was selling a car with some "known" engine in order to make it more acceptable
same for christianity , they belived in lies , how could they make anyone belive in their new religion ? "aha!" they probably said "lets use a good trusted engine for it , somthing which already people accept as truth and considered holy and feared by alot of nations (thats a diffrent story) , the bible !" .... its really like that , in order to sell their lies they brougth with it a book which is trusted and known as truth and mixed it with their new liar religion
i think there are some christians reading this now, and saying to themselves "i'm not the christian he's talking about , i dont hate jews , mabey i shall start doing that now!" or somthing like that
well the reason youre in confusion is very simple , one of the only prophecies made by christian "prophets" was that the jews are cursed and will never have a country in their homeland , cuz the christians are now "the chosen people" and the jews are banished and banned , thefore the jews are supposed to always be a race which doesn't lift his head among the nations and will never return to his ancient land becouse the christians now replaces him and he is banned .... this is an actuall christian "prophecy" and was used by christians for centuries to prove they are "right" ,
when the land of israel was decleared and when the country of the jews was decleared in 1948 ,on their ancient homeland which they had returned to , this was a hammer smashing christianity .... since the christian leaders got scared of the outcome of that their prophecy is broken and untrue , they started making up new stuff , in order to justify christianity ! ... now there is new "prophecies" (pathetic) for the christians , very paranoidic "prophecies" , some has claimed that "its a prophecy" that jews will return to their home land and that is the first step of their false messiah "second coming ", some said that the original christians are not really christians and that the christians really,actually love jews and much more cults with their own claims , some of them really belive in those stuff , brainwash of some 50 years or so...
... anyway , if youre a christian which consider himself as a real beliver in g-d , i would advice you to leave christianity behind and start worship the real g-d , and practise the seven commandments/laws he gave you , for christianity is a lie , how can it be new tesament when in the bible its written that the torah will never change, and that it was for eternity? ... well?.... do you call g-d a lier?
besides ,a religion which claims g-d have placed himself in a women's womb to be born as a human which will loose to his "enemies" and be mocked is outrageously utter rubbish
I read two paragraphs of this diatribe and got a headache. Hang this heeb!!!
There's a couple other bands of this nature, all shat. I'll lazily try and track them down later on.