Yaotl Mictlan - Mexico's very own Arghoslent!!!

I was going to say, it doesn't seem a lot different than the usual ethnicist and nationalist paradigms of NSBM ...
If Middle-Eastern bands wanted to follow appropriate suit.....They should in theory be raging against the rise of Islam.

Yeah, I see your point, although NSBM doesn't exactly rage against the rise of Christianity does it? Or at least, NS as an ideaology isn't anti-Christian I don't think. The nazis seemed to allow the church to thrive if anything.... I suppose this is the fine line between Pagan Metal and NS Metal.

I guess with metal becoming more "international" and yet still fueled by so much anger, it's inevitable that we'll see 'Arghoslents' popping up all over the world hating certain sects, and sooner or later, we're going to see anti-white and anti-american sentiments in metal.
Also, to my "cowardly" point earlier, it's a lot easier to be tough on the internet and release your own music and say whatever you want, but doing it in public is a different scenario altogether. However, Arghoslent really do play live don't they? I'm surprised they don't get local black people invading the place! That's pretty ballsy.
Also, to my "cowardly" point earlier, it's a lot easier to be tough on the internet and release your own music and say whatever you want, but doing it in public is a different scenario altogether. However, Arghoslent really do play live don't they? I'm surprised they don't get local black people invading the place! That's pretty ballsy.

THey only play at skinhead rallies and similar occasions.

WHere the hell did this myth come from that Arghoslent has 'awesome riffing'?

Jesus fuck, have you people never heard of Immolation or Bolt Thrower?! THAT is some awesome riffing. Arghoslent just uses the scraps left over from Manilla Road's back catalog and puts monotone death grunts over them.

GMD to RC translation: I've never listen to Arghoslent.
Ars, I may change my mind and switch this disc out with another. FUCK MEXICANS!!!

It's 2 o'clock in the God damn morning and I am awoken by a car load of presumed gang bangers honking the horn to their Oldsmobile in some sort of fraternal ritual that concludes in lathering up the new recruit's chest with manteca. This honking, hollering, homo-eroticism lasts for a good 45 seconds, while I lay in bed praying that San Andreas answers my cries with a tremor that would send them scampering to their local mission for free tortilla shells come Sunday morning. The silence soon simmers down, but then radiates back up to 120dbs as police cars and fire engines blare their sirens through the favela of my dismay. Fuck L.A and Fuck this Spic band!!!

Blargh there goes another car driving down a residential road at 60 m.p.h!

Fucking spics :mad:
dude, it's 8:17 on a saturday and you're complaining about noise? what are you, fucking retired?

and here i am on RC at 11:30 on a saturday :rolleyes:
i'm on a break from school, but still